
Benefits of drinking cooked mate

By liliaturcin5

Without a doubt, for Argentines, yerba mate is widely used, but not only for the traditional mates that accompany us so much, but also to prepare “Mate cocido” . A cooked mate is a simple, interesting, great-tasting alternative to what a conventional mate is.

We can describe it as an infusion similar to tea due to the way it is prepared. In fact, it is obtained when hot water is impregnated with the yerba mate and as a result we observe a color and aroma typical of the yerba. However, it goes beyond being a hot drink alternative, it contains beneficial properties due to our daily consumption.

benefits of drinking cooked mate

According to research by experts in the field, they are truly surprised by what they discover regarding the properties that yerba mate contains in a prepared cooked mate. Even its properties are increasingly revolutionary:

  • Cooked mate : It is a source of vitamins, B complex vitamins that help the body release and use the energy contained in food. It also provides the body with essential minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. They also collaborate with muscle function and help skin and hair look healthy.

Benefits of Drinking Cooked Mate

Below are some of its benefits for our health:

  • They raise the body’s defenses and protect it from cellular destruction.
  • It increases energy and significantly helps to have better concentration.
  • Stimulates the nervous system, improving mental activity.
  • It considerably improves the mood of people, especially those who suffer from depression.
  • It is beneficial for people with high cholesterol.

Certainly weed is a plant full of surprising nutrients that not only help prevent diseases but even contribute to weight loss.

Does cooked mate contain many calories?

The answer is definitely NO, it is a wrong concept to think that cooked mate provides many calories. In fact, it has been proven that its levels are minimal and that is why it is a suitable and recommended infusion for many diets.

  • Thanks to its components, eating cooked mate is very useful for losing weight because it helps combat fat accumulated in difficult areas of the body.

How to prepare a cooked mate?

If we are going to prepare a couple of cups of this delicious cooked mate, we place 3 cups of water in a large jug or container over moderate-high heat until it boils.

  • Then when the water comes to a boil, we lower the heat to minimum and add 3 heaped tablespoons of yerba mate.
  • Immediately, we raise the heat and the preparation will begin to rise but before it goes over we turn it off.
  • We let the herb settle in the water and serve it using a strainer in each cup.
  • Finally we sweeten to taste.