
Spray it throughout the house and keep insects away. You won’t see it fly again.

By liliaturcin5

Create the ultimate cockroach, fly and mosquito repellent in just minutes. Repels insects, protects the house and also the garden. 


As   spring approaches, a common problem  grows   ,   especially for those who   live in the country  or have a   garden  :   insects   . However, to get rid of them it is not necessary   to use chemical repellents  , you can find a   natural solution  . In fact,   by using simple bay leaves and cloves, you can   keep insects and parasites away from your home and garden  forever    .

Bay laurel and carnation: repel insects

Repel insects with   bay leaves and cloves,  known    for their   repellent properties . These   plants   have been used for centuries to repel   mosquitoes, flies and other   annoying insects.

 In fact, bay leaves come   from the  Mediterranean region   and contain   essential oils that give off a  smell   that insects   find unpleasant  . Burning or crushing   bay leaves can   therefore   release   these   essential oils into the air, creating a natural barrier against insects.  Bay leaves are effective both  fresh   and dried. Dried   ,   this plant’s leaves   last up to a year  , but   fresh leaves can give off a  stronger aroma   that may be better at   keeping cockroaches away.

Cloves, on the other hand, are the   dried  flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum   plant native    to  Indonesia   . Cloves   are good   for   repelling insects and pests   because they contain a compound called   eugenol  , which acts as   a natural  insect repellent  . When cloves are ground or placed in a room,  they  release eugenol   into the air, creating a  protective barrier   against   insects, flies and cockroaches.

Keep insects away

Both   plants   are therefore suitable for natural   defense against insects  without  having to use chemicals that are harmful to human health or the environment   . Plus,   these ingredients are cheap and easy to find   , making them a   convenient  option for anyone who  wants to keep insects away   naturally and   without spending a lot of money   .

Combine bay leaves and cloves to kill insects.

To prepare our   natural remedy   against   flies, mosquitoes, aphids and cockroaches   ,   15 bay leaves   and   10 cloves are  enough. We take a   pot   and fill it with   a liter of water   and bring it to the   boil  .

Once the water   boils,  pour in the bay leaves   and   cloves   . Let everything   cook  for a few minutes    so that the   ingredients  release the useful  substances   that characterize them.   Then take  the pan off the heat and let it   cool down   . After a few minutes we can   pour the   liquid obtained into a bottle   with an atomizer  .

Keep insects away

 Now all   we have to do is apply  the   insecticide where most   insects are found, for example in the  pantry   ,   kitchen   and   bathroom   .  Then we can use the liquid that we  get   from boiling   bay leaves and cloves   in the   garden once a month  to   keep parasites away   from the   plants  .

Additional tips

Both proven  ingredients can    be used  in combination with other crop protection products to increase their effectiveness   .  For example , mint and eucalyptus leaves are   two other well-known insect repellents   and  can    be used   in conjunction with   bay leaves and cloves to  create   an even   stronger  protective barrier .