
Inserting a rose stem into an aloe vera leaf: it’s the nursery’s secret method

By liliaturcin5

Inserting a rose stem into an aloe vera leaf is a fascinating propagation technique that combines the beauty of roses with the healing and regenerative properties of aloe vera.

The propagation of plants through natural methods has been a practice widely used by gardening and botany lovers. In this process, the fragrance and delicate flowers of the rose are intertwined with the robustness and resistance of aloe vera.

Discover how these two plants come together to form a symbiotic and enchanting plant bond, offering both visual appreciation and health benefits in one place.

Next let’s see how to do it:

How to reproduce a rose cutting

Propagating a rose using a piece of the aloe vera plant as a rooting agent is a technique known as aloe vera cutting. Below, I present the procedure to carry out this interesting form of reproduction:

Necessary materials:

  • A mature, healthy rose with a firm stem.
  • An aloe vera plant with large, healthy leaves.
  • Pruning shears or sharp, clean knife.
  • Pot with good quality potting soil.
  • A warm place with indirect light to place the cutting.

Procedure, step by step:

  1. Rose and aloe vera selection: Choose a rose that is in good condition and has a firm, healthy stem. Also choose a large, healthy leaf from the aloe vera plant.
  2. Preparation of the cutting: With the help of pruning shears or a clean knife, cut a piece of the stem of the rose approximately 10-15 centimeters in length. Be sure to make a clean, angled cut of about 45 degrees just below a node (a small bump on the stem).
  3. Preparation of aloe vera: Remove a large, healthy leaf from the aloe vera plant. Next, cut the leaf in half lengthwise, exposing the gelatinous pulp inside.
  4. Inserting the cutting into the aloe vera: Carefully insert the bottom of the rose stem into the pulp of the aloe vera. Make sure the cut end of the stem is submerged in the aloe gel.
  5. Planting the cutting in soil: Fill the pot with good quality potting soil and make a hole in the center with your finger or a pencil. Place the end of the rose stem that is in the aloe into the hole in the soil, making sure it is secure.
  6. Placement and care: Place the pot in a warm place with indirect light, avoiding direct sunlight that could damage the cutting. Water it moderately to maintain soil moisture without waterlogging it.
  7. Patience and observation: The cutting will need time to develop roots. Monitor the progress over several weeks and keep the soil slightly moist.
  8. Transplant to a larger pot: Once you see new leaves growing and feel resistance when gently pulling on the cutting, it is a sign that it has developed roots. At this point, transplant the cutting into a larger pot so it can continue growing.

By following this procedure and providing appropriate care, you can reproduce a rose using a piece of aloe vera as a rooting agent, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of both plants in the same place.