
As soon as they smell this plant, cockroaches immediately disappear

By liliaturcin5

Cockroaches  are commonplace  and a common insect that could come into your home and never come out. According to experts, they are so attracted to certain smells and remains that they find the area to nest and start a family. While chemical repellents are not recommended, not just traps or anything else that could harm them. This is why it is good to use natural ingredients that make them disappear quickly. Additionally, this  plant is hated by cockroaches  .

Why do cockroaches come into the house?

Cockroaches are very fast insects, they manage to hide in impossible to reach places and lay their eggs in a short time. Their  main food  is excrement and they can carry pathogenic germs that are very harmful to humans. Plus, they like easy food, so whatever they can find on the table or in pantries.

Many people wonder where cockroaches can come from, although it’s not always easy to answer. Generally speaking,  they exploit the accesses  which lead them to attics or cellars. They can pass through water pipes, electrical outlets and even small cracks in walls.

They like bathrooms because they are humid, but they are certainly comfortable even in the attic where they can live peacefully. They prefer a  dirty, dark, damp place  to nest. The areas of interest are easy for them to nest in complete freedom to give birth to a real family made up of numerous small cockroaches: the females produce up to 40 eggs in each act and that is an incredible number.

Plant against cockroaches: the natural repellent

The first thing to do is to keep the house clean,  without crumbs or open packages  in the pantries. The cockroach does not like clean places without food, which is why it is necessary to make a little more effort in hygiene. And then there’s a plant that cockroaches hate.

It is called  tansy  , with its intense yellow flowers and intoxicating scent. This is certainly the best method to keep insects away, because the smell of camphor is unbearable for these insects.

Tansy plant against cockroaches

Then, there are other odors that they cannot tolerate, namely:

  • Marseille soap  , through a solution poured into a container containing water. Simply spray it on upholstery and in corners of the house to scare away cockroaches;
  • Essential oils  in general have a strong and unpleasant odor, especially rosemary oil. Without forgetting the plant, to place in different strategic corners of the house;
  • The same goes for  catnip  , a natural disinfectant to place in different corners of the house. Obviously paying attention to the animals present.