
It has conquered millions of farmers, produces huge plants: spread it on the ground

By liliaturcin5

To have a bountiful harvest and huge plants, you must follow this technique. All the farmers went crazy and were won over by this truly unique technique. Here’s how you should do it.

All farmers have gone crazy for this method to have a rich and tasty harvest  . What they used is truly unique and they learned this technique from a great Amazonian civilization that farmed in very sterile soil, that of the Amazon jungle. Because of the rains, the soil is only fertile at certain times of the year.

However, despite this, several hectares of fertile soil up to two meters deep were found. For experts, this is an interesting condition because this soil is believed to have been the same for thousands of years.  But these civilizations managed to create regenerative soil  . Here’s how below.

Abundant harvest and huge plants? Here’s what you need to do to get it

As we have said, the Amazonian civilization found a way to make fertile the land which for a time was devoid of crops for this very reason. Looking at it, we immediately notice that  the quantity of coal it contains is very high and in fact it is precisely this presence that changes everything  .

It is precisely for this reason that some farmers have started using charcoal, but there is one thing in particular: ordinary charcoal is not the same as that of the Amazon.  Organic charcoal is better because it burns differently than regular charcoal  . Organic carbon burns at a temperature of 600-1000°C without oxygen while organic carbon burns at 400°C.

Rich and tasty harvest with this product

This temperature difference changes all of that dramatically. In fact, organic charcoal is better.  It has a fine structure and is composed of 50% pure carbon.  The molecular structures of biochar are fascinating and more suitable for the establishment of microbes. Then, farmers began to replicate this technique.

It is a modern technique which certainly works but whose duration is unknown  . What is certain is that the harvest will be rich and tasty. Burned wood is therefore ideal and manages to keep soil fertility under control. Biochar ensures soil stability.

How to put biochar in the soil

We have seen that biochar makes the soil more fertile. But how is it used? Its carbon content and porosity make it a powerful soil amendment.  It can be used both in the field and in pots  . However, you need to know the right amounts because they are not equal.

Organic charcoal for soil

It can be used up to 1 kilogram in fields and gardens per square meter  . So 1kg/m2.  In pots, on the other hand, the quantity to be used decreases  , it must correspond to 25% of the maximum quantity of soil. It can then be used in various sectors.

In agriculture this has a better yield  giving more fertility  and less use of water and  chemical fertilizers   . In this way, prices are reduced and the impact on the environment is less. It almost seems like a magical product that we should use on all plants.