
How to remove moisture from walls so it never comes back

By liliaturcin5

Surely the humidity and mold on the walls of the house will have affected us at some point in our lives, however we may think that it is not so serious that this invades a certain environment in our home. But far from thinking like that, each case is different and must be evaluated individually by a professional.

Let us keep in mind that most houses are built with a foundation structure that is in direct contact with the ground, which is why humidity is always present. It happens that over time, masonry walls absorb moisture that rises through the walls, forming mold. Therefore, we always recommend consulting with a construction professional to verify that it is not a structural problem (also ruling out a water leak in a pipe, for example).

How to remove moisture from walls so it never comes back

Generally when we see the problem on the walls, we act immediately with cleaning and painting to make it look like new. However, the reality is that over the months and years, humidity returns, ruining the rooms of the house.

Below we look at a series of practical recommendations for the definitive solution to this problem:

Talc to remove moisture

Although it may seem strange, talcum powder is undoubtedly a faithful ally when it comes to combating humidity. Think about how a little talcum powder removes moisture from your sneakers or shoes, because in the same way it can help combat mold on the walls.

For this you simply have to sprinkle the talcum powder on the wall and then rub it with a cloth so that it penetrates.

Repeat the process several times for more effectiveness until all traces of moisture are eliminated.

Remove mold with bleach

In this case the solution is palliative, because with this method the mold will be completely eliminated but the humidity will still remain inside the walls.

  • We started by mixing one part bleach to one part water, then added it to a spray bottle, also making sure to wear rubber gloves, goggles, and a face mask. Finally, we take a brush, spray and rub vigorously.
  • We must be patient because it will take time, we have to do it a little every day or week, because the smell is very strong and can even cause dizziness. Another measure we should take is to do this without other people around, and in a very airy environment.
  • An important recommendation, if we use chlorine bleach on colored walls, it will fade. Therefore, it is a tip especially for walls and white surfaces.

Remove mold with hydrogen peroxide

Another product alternative that can help remove mold is hydrogen peroxide, but it is best to use it on smaller stains as it requires a little more work.

  • We simply soak a cloth with hydrogen peroxide, apply it to the mold to be wet and let it act for 15 minutes. Then we rub well until it comes out.
  • This product also requires you to wear gloves and a protective mask and be careful to ventilate the environment.
  • We do not allow children to have access to the room during the procedure.

Remove mold with water, vinegar and alcohol

For a more homemade mixture that doesn’t discolor the wall color, there is an easier method.

  • You can mix warm water with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of alcohol. Together and well mixed, they will soften the mold, removing the stain and promoting cleaning.

Eliminates humidity correcting the structure

If we want to get rid of humidity and mold in the house permanently, it will be necessary to look for other solutions. For this, it is essential to have the advice of a professional, who will evaluate the structure of the house and help us determine the best solution.

  • Once the cause is determined, the solution will come, generally consisting of removing the current cast and redoing it. In this case, a waterproofing liquid will be used in the new plaster mixture.
  • In some cases, if the problem comes from below, it may be necessary to tear down the first meter of wall and redo that part with the addition of a waterproofing mat.
  • There is no need to break the entire wall, just the bottom and little by little. When this part is protected, the top part will no longer absorb moisture coming from the ground.

Other methods to remove moisture that may also work for you

  • Sea salt is very good for combating humidity, since it has a function quite similar to baking soda. In addition, it is very easy to use, you are simply going to place containers with sea salt or sea salt on the base or shelves of the walls and that’s it, it will begin to absorb all the moisture little by little.
  • Baking soda can also be used in the same way as sea salt, simply placing a few containers near the moisture area on the walls and you will see results in no time.
  • Tea tree oil is also an excellent trick to eliminate moisture on walls. For this you simply have to mix two tablespoons of this oil with two cups or gourds, integrating the ingredients well and then apply to the wet areas.