
How to prepare homemade mosquito repellent with a tree that is everywhere

By liliaturcin5

In this guide, we will teach you how to prepare a homemade mosquito repellent using the powerful aroma of eucalyptus, an accessible resource that you can find in your environment.

Read on to find out how to keep these unwanted insects at bay safely and naturally!

How to prepare mosquito repellent from the leaves of a tree

First of all, let’s get to know a little more about the tree we are talking about:

The aguaribay is a tree native to northern and central Argentina, but is frequently found on sidewalks, parks and homes in most provinces, including Córdoba.

Schinus molle, also known as molle or pepper tree, can grow up to eight meters high and stands out for its elongated leaves and reddish fruits, which can be used as pepper.

One of the most recognized characteristics of aguaribay is its ability as a natural mosquito repellent, making it a popular place to rest in the shade.

How to use the aguaribay tree as a mosquito repellent:

There are two ways to use aguaribay as a mosquito repellent:

  1. Take some aguaribay leaves and rub them on the skin.
  2. The other option is to prepare a liquid by macerating the leaves with alcohol and then applying it with a sprayer.

Take the test and you will be protected against the invasion of mosquitoes!

Benefits of aguaribay:

The aguaribay has been revered as a sacred tree in Inca culture and continues to be valued today for its wide range of applications, both with its leaves, bark and fruits.

This is because aguaribay contains a variety of essential oils and alkaloids, such as terpineol and phellandrene, which act as natural mosquito repellents, including Aedes aegypti, the vector of dengue.


Eradicating mosquito breeders is the most urgent measure to prevent an epidemic. According to the Specialists at the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, they refer to the marketed repellent that not only has a high monetary cost, but also affects developing children in the long term due to its constant use.

Let us remember that the repellent marketed is not an insecticide, it only lasts a few hours and must be applied again. This will increase the degree of toxicity, so you have to be alert.

Therefore, opting for a more natural alternative is the best decision for the whole family.