
Prepare this very fragrant and powerful homemade soap at home, using only lemon, vinegar and alcohol and without caustic soda

By liliaturcin5

Making homemade soap is a centuries-old tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Today, we present you an alternative recipe that uses common ingredients such as lemon, vinegar and alcohol to create a fragrant and effective soap, without the need to use caustic soda.

This method is not only easy to follow, but it is also environmentally friendly and safe for use at home.

Join us to discover how you can prepare this homemade soap with simple and accessible ingredients.


  • 500 ml of olive oil (or coconut oil)
  • 200 ml of distilled water
  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 50 ml of ethyl alcohol
  • Essential oils for perfume (optional)


  1. Preparation of ingredients: Gather all the necessary ingredients. Be sure to use a stainless steel or glass container and utensils to avoid unwanted chemical reactions.
  2. Melt the oil: Gently heat the olive oil (or coconut oil) in a saucepan over low heat until it becomes liquid. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  3. Mix the liquid ingredients : In a separate container, mix the distilled water, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and ethyl alcohol.
  4. Combine the ingredients: Slowly pour the liquid mixture into the saucepan with the olive oil (or coconut oil), stirring constantly to avoid lumps forming.
  5. Add essential oils (optional): If you want to scent the soap, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils and mix well.
  6. Pouring and Cooling: Pour mixture into soap molds and let cool at room temperature for several hours or until soap is completely solidified.
  7. Cutting and Storage: Once solidified, cut soap into desired sizes and let cure for at least 2 weeks before using. Store your soap in a cool, dry place to extend its life.

We suggest: What to do with leftover soap: don’t throw it away


Safety First: When handling ingredients like alcohol and vinegar, make sure you are in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes. Also, use gloves and protective glasses to avoid direct contact with the ingredients.

Suitable utensils: Use stainless steel or glass containers and utensils to avoid unwanted reactions with the ingredients.

Constant Mixing: When combining the liquid ingredients with the melted oil, be sure to mix constantly to avoid lumps forming and ensure uniform mixing.

Experiment with essential oils: If you decide to add essential oils to scent your soap, experiment with different combinations to find the scent you like best. Remember that some essential oils may have beneficial properties for the skin.

Patience in the cooling process: Let the soap cool completely to room temperature before cutting it into desired sizes. This step is crucial to ensure that the soap solidifies properly.

Proper Curing: Once cut, allow soap to cure for at least 2 weeks before using. During this period, the soap will continue to harden and dry, which will improve its durability and quality.