
The trick with lemon slices while boiling eggs that you should learn

By liliaturcin5

Have you heard of the clever trick of adding lemon slices to water while boiling eggs? This simple yet effective culinary tip has gained popularity among cooking lovers due to the surprising benefits it brings to the cooking process.

By introducing lemon slices into the water, you not only add a delicious citrus aroma to the eggs, but you also achieve a final result that is surprisingly easy to peel cooked eggs.

In this article, we will explore this culinary trick, highlighting its advantages and teaching you how to apply it to obtain perfectly cooked, easy-to-peel eggs.

Get ready to discover this ingenious trick that will transform your cooking experience!

Trick when peeling the boiled egg

To avoid the inconvenience that usually occurs when peeling hard-boiled eggs, there are several tricks that can be used:

  • One of the first is to wait a few minutes after cooking before removing the peel, which will reduce its stickiness. That is, the adhesion of the shell.
  • You can also try adding a good amount of salt to the water when boiling the eggs, which will make peeling easier.

If you don’t have time to wait, here is another tip that was recommended to me and that did work.

You will need a lemon that you must cut into slices:

  • These slices are placed in the pot of boiling water once the eggs are already inside. With this trick, the peel will come off almost completely, effortlessly and without getting your hands dirty.


How to peel eggs with cold water? Another useful method for peeling hard-boiled eggs is, once cooked, drain them and then run them under cold water and even immerse them in ice cubes.

This process causes a rapid temperature difference, which causes the egg to contract as it cools and generates a layer of air between the shell and the egg, making it easier to peel.

Why it is important to cook eggs correctly «Cooking or boiling the egg helps to avoid microbiological risks and increases its nutritional value.

IMPORTANT: Proper cooking destroys possible contaminating bacteria, such as salmonella or staphylococcus. The process of cooking the eggs consists of bringing them to a boil,” they explain from the Mapfre Foundation.