
Keep mice and cockroaches away with this foolproof duo for your home

By liliaturcin5

When it comes to keeping a home pest-free, mice and cockroaches are two of the nastiest and most persistent invaders. Instead of resorting to harsh chemicals, there is a home trick that has proven to be effective in driving away these unwanted pests.

In this article, we’ll discover how to use an unusual but powerful combination of cheese and baking soda to keep mice and cockroaches at bay in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

Cheese will attract mice and cockroaches, which will be tempted to consume it. However, baking soda acts as a death trap for these pests. When mice and cockroaches ingest baking soda, it produces a gas within their digestive systems , causing a chemical reaction that is toxic to them.

Baking soda can also interfere with their ability to digest food, leading to their death naturally and without causing harm to other species or the inhabitants of the house.

How to keep mice and cockroaches away

Both cheese and baking soda are common items in many homes, but using them together as a pest repellent may surprise you. Mice are attracted to the smell and taste of cheese, while cockroaches are also attracted to cheese and are attracted to baking soda.

The combination of these ingredients creates a natural, non-toxic trap that is highly effective in keeping these pesky invaders at bay.

Preparing the homemade trick

To create this natural and effective trap, follow these simple steps:

You will need to:

-Cheese (preferably strong and aromatic cheese).
-Sodium bicarbonate.
-Small plates or bottle caps.

Step 1: Prepare the dishes

  • Place small amounts of cheese on small plates or bottle caps.
  • Spread the cheese at various strategic points in your home, where you have seen mouse or cockroach activity. Such as dark corners, behind appliances or in areas with a greater presence of pests.

Step 2: Add the baking soda

  • Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda over the cheese in each small plate.
  • It is not necessary to use a lot of baking soda, a thin layer will be enough.

Step 3: Hold the Trap

  • Check the plates regularly and replace the cheese and baking soda when necessary.
  • It is important to keep the saucers stocked so that the trap remains effective.

Keeping mice and cockroaches out of your home doesn’t have to involve using harmful chemical pesticides. With this foolproof duo of cheese and baking soda, you can keep these pests at bay in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Additionally, the use of common ingredients found in most homes makes this trap an affordable and accessible option for everyone.

Remember that prevention is key to maintaining a pest-free home, so be sure to keep your kitchen and storage areas clean and well-sealed. With this simple home trick and proper hygiene habits, you can enjoy a home free of unwanted intruders and protect the health and well-being of your family naturally.