
With this capsule all your flowers will stay fresh for more than a year

By liliaturcin5

To keep flowers fresh in all seasons, you can rely on a very simple method: a single capsule.

With the arrival of spring we witness an explosion of colors characterized by the  rebirth of flowers and plants  , which once again dominate the scene, infusing elegance and beauty to all the places where they are found. Many green thumb enthusiasts choose to enrich their homes and gardens with green friends, so they can  enjoy their majesty  and give the home brightness and vitality. However, the goal of those who enjoy growing plants at home or in the lawn is to be able to keep  flowers fresh  in all seasons: a feat that is not easy, but certainly possible.

With a simple compress the flowers will come back fresh and strong

Preserving the freshness of flowers is the best way to  guarantee a long life  for our plants. An important step, therefore, which can be completed with effective results thanks to an infallible method. It is an organic fertilizer that manages to keep the bonsai particularly fresh. In fact, it may happen that the leaves of the plant  begin to turn yellow  , losing their characteristic vitality. To stop this process and make the plant shine like before again, you must rely on this solution, which  must be applied regularly  to ensure that the greenery returns to fill the plant and every corner of the house.

Yellowed plants

The first thing to do is to get a bowl, where we are going to insert approximately  250 ml of water  . At this point, an effervescent tablet is dissolved inside the bowl, which can play a decisive role in plant care. Common aspirin, in fact, contains a very important substance such as  acetylsatilic acid  , a real panacea for our eco-friendly friends. One tablet is enough to improve the plant’s immune system,  protecting it from attacks by insects and parasites  and ensuring faster germination and a longer lifespan.

By dissolving the tablet in the water in the bowl, we will then create a compound that will allow our plants to  defend themselves against microbes  , in order to grow strong and lush. As soon as the medicine is completely dissolved in water, we can proceed to irrigate the plant that has lost its freshness.

Miraculous irrigation: all the benefits for plants

The plant must be watered carefully and gently  so as not to risk causing damage. With correct irrigation of the flower roots we will soon see the benefits of this solution. After having uniformly watered the soil of the plant on which we have decided to intervene, all that remains is to keep the flowerpot  in a shaded place  within one or two days after watering.

fresh flowers

Over time you will notice that the leaves of the plant have regained vigor and the yellowing will only remain a memory. All this thanks to the effervescent tablet,  which stops the action of ethylene  and thus blocks wilting. Additionally, the tablet is an excellent  pesticide  and  fungicide  and also helps the plant improve its drought tolerance.