
The only technique to remove branches from rose bushes without even spending 1 euro

By liliaturcin5

This is the technique to use to pull out rose bush branches, without even spending a single euro: try it now.

Pulling branches off roses  when necessary is a gesture of love towards the plant. There are factors that can cause different types of problems, so as to eliminate the entire plant. In fact, professional nurseries are ready to give some indications on the best way to do it, always with full  respect for the plant and the environment.

How to uproot rose branches professionally?

There are  many different types of roses,  linked by a single factor or the need to be treated in the best possible way. A delicate and elegant plant that requires attention, nourishment and continuous hydration. According to surveys, it is the most sought after plant by all flower lovers.

When a plant is weakened, the roots must be pulled out so that they grow back healthily.  It’s not easy,  which is why it’s always good to contact an industry expert directly. In general, this can be done in different ways. There are those who decide to cut – with sanitized scissors – the compromised part, to then store it in a plastic container (even a bottle) with a lid and food for a while. This method helps the roots and the plant itself to regrow.

It is good to know, however, that there are  20,000  different types of rose bushes in the world divided into three main categories: bush, shrub and miniature.

Caring for roses

If they are bush roses, pruning should be carried out with the thinning method, eliminating excess branches. If they are  shrub roses,  the technique is topping, eliminating the upper part of the plant. For miniatures, a superficial method is applied to remove dead branches and compromised roots.

When is it appropriate to prune and how to do it

It is also important to pay attention to the age of the plant. A fundamental factor, since nurseries apply a method on this basis. Pruning  or restoration  must be done one year after their arrival, to give the plant time to acclimatize. Additionally, you might also have the wrong type of soil and food, causing the plant to ask for help.

tear off rose branches

If an expert is hired, he will check the shape of the roots  and the condition of the plant himself  . Indeed, to have a healthy plant, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning actions throughout the year. This operation is not invasive, it only requires eliminating all the dry and fragile parts so as not to end up with compromised roots overnight.

Always remember  that every operation must be carried out competently, as the plant could be affected.