
Decoration for soups     

By liliaturcin5

Marigold for better health

Before Easter, many people thought about how they could decorate their home or professional area as spring-like and as appropriate as possible. Now that nature is gradually starting to adorn the meadow and the trees and bushes with the most beautiful flowers, this very topic should be taken up once again while eating. And I would like to bring the healing marigold (Calendula officinalis) onto the scene, so to speak. There are many useful ingredients in their petals. There are e.g. B. bitter substances, flavonoids, salicylic acid compounds and carotenoids are stored. Incidentally, marigold can benefit our skin, digestion and immune system. The petals can be prepared in various ways, primarily by brewing tea. But there is also the possibility of using the advantages of the orange-yellow daisy family on the dining table. After all, your eyes eat with you at mealtimes. Marigold petals are definitely a good way to add a little color to your food. This is not only possible with dessert. Even when serving soup, you should remember to garnish the first course at the table accordingly. This then has positive consequences for the digestive organs and the entire organism.

Addition to the soup

Add a small amount of freshly plucked or dried marigold petals (1 tablespoon per person) to the hot soup – whether creamy or clear – before serving. Simply eat the flower decoration when spooning it out. Once in the digestive tract, this can help support the activity of the liver and gallbladder and also positively stimula