
Simple method to use lemon seeds and germinate a tree

By liliaturcin5

Germinating a lemon tree from its seeds can be an exciting and rewarding project. Lemons are versatile and delicious fruits that not only add a refreshing touch to our foods and drinks, but can also give rise to a beautiful lemon tree that will produce fruit for a lifetime.

In fact, located between the peel and the segments of the fruit, lemon zest becomes an essential ingredient to enhance both sweet and savory dishes.

In this guide, we will explore a simple method to take advantage of lemon seeds and germinate your own tree. Whether you’re a seasoned gardening lover or someone looking to embark on your first growing adventure.

You will learn how to give life to these little seeds and care for your own lemon tree. Let’s dive into the world of growing lemons from scratch!

Below is the step by step:

Step by step method to germinate a tree

  1. Purchase an organic lemon , cut it into halves and extract the seeds of this citrus fruit. It is advisable to obtain 4 or 5 of them to increase your chances of success.
  2. Take a container and fill it with warm water , then immerse the lemon seeds that you obtained previously.
  3. Get a piece of absorbent paper and moisten it , you can use the water present in the container. Next, place the lemon seeds on the absorbent paper and cover it with another piece of paper. Then, place everything in a resealable plastic bag and store it in a dark place.
  4. After 10 days , you will only be able to open the bag. From that moment on, you will notice that the seeds have germinated.
  5. Prepare some pots filled with soil and plant the lemon seeds in them , sprinkling them with water. Don’t worry if the absorbent paper has stuck to the seeds, as this will not affect their growth.


  • Don’t forget to gradually place your pots in a sunny area of ​​the house and keep the soil always moist. After approximately 20 days of exposure to direct light for at least 8 hours a day, you will begin to see the first shoots.
  • Importantly, if after two months, all your seeds germinate at the same time, it is advisable to transplant them into individual pots.
  • Once the young lemon tree grows large enough, you can transplant it to a larger pot or even the garden.
  • Keep in mind that it is advisable to sow the seeds in late winter or early spring.

You surely already have the necessary knowledge to take advantage of lemon seeds and grow your own lemon tree!