
Greek yogurt cake: without flour or butter, it is very soft. Only 110 calories!

By liliaturcin5

If you also love Greek yoghurt and French sweets, with this recipe you will bingo! You will prepare a very soft, very high and dietary cake, of course yes, because an eye to the figure must always be given, come on! We are all a bit greedy and let ourselves be tempted by an enveloping and fragrant dessert, but then, however, the sense of guilt haunts us. Especially now that the holidays are approaching and our silhouette is dangerously threatened by the delicacies of the period, better not to cry then crocodile tears! It is clear, then, that a marvel like the one you are about to discover becomes even more captivating if it only contains 110 calories!

No flour, just a few tablespoons of starch, very little sugar and zero fat, airy and delicate, but truly satisfying, this cake will win you over! 10 minutes to prepare it, 40 to cook it and in less than an hour a small but great masterpiece of home cooking will be ready to be devoured.

What are you waiting for then? Get to work, let’s get started!

Very soft cake with Greek yogurt: ingredients and preparation

For this recipe, get:

  • 4 eggs
  • 400 g of Greek yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons stevia sweetener (or regular sugar)
  • 3 tablespoons of corn starch
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • just enough powdered sugar for dusting

With these doses you will get 6 portions.

Preheat the oven to 160°, the time to get to temperature and the dough will be ready to be baked. Line a rather small cake pan with a diameter of 18 centimeters, but high enough, with the special paper. In this way your cake will grow dramatically during cooking.

Break the eggs by separating the yolks from the whites in two separate bowls.

Whip the whites until stiff with a pinch of salt. Use the hand mixer to make it in a flash.

Add the sugar or stevia to the reds and start working them with the electric whisk. When the mixture is thick and frothy and the grains have dissolved well, incorporate the corn starch and yeast, then let them absorb, mixing with the whisk by hand. At this point, add the Greek yogurt and mix the dough perfectly.

Finally, incorporate the whipped egg whites, but be careful, do it delicately. Use a spatula and make slow movements from bottom to top so as not to compromise their soft consistency.

Now transfer everything into the mould, mix with a toothpick to eliminate air bubbles and tap the table lightly to level the surface. Bake your cake for half an hour, then lower the oven from 160° to 140° and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Turn it off and let it cool inside. Finally, turn it out of the mold and decorate it with icing sugar.

Now taste it, it’s wonderful!