
How to clean your TV screen without damaging it

By liliaturcin5

Modern television screens guarantee excellent image quality, but they are much more delicate. Even the slightest thing is enough to scratch them and create permanent damage , which can compromise the entire device and make it necessary to purchase a new one.

Precisely for this reason, television screens must be cleaned with great care and attention, with specific products that guarantee excellent results without any risk.

Below we share a complete guide to cleaning the TV (the screen as well as all the other components), with economical and do-it-yourself products that will allow us to have a device as good as new.

Before starting, remember that all cleaning must be done with the television turned off and cold . So wait a few minutes after turning it off before proceeding.

Prepare a solution by mixing two equal parts distilled water and isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle. Shake well to allow the two ingredients to mix together.

Spray the solution onto a microfiber cloth, without overdoing it. The cloth should be damp, but not dripping with solution.

Then pass the cloth over the entire screen, from bottom to top to avoid leaving marks or streaks.

You can then proceed with cleaning the other parts of the TV, such as the stand and frame. Before doing so, wipe with a clean cloth to collect dust.

Cleaning your TV cables is also important. If you can’t vacuum, unplug the cords and use a dust catcher.

To always have a clean television it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

  • do not apply the liquid solution directly to the screen: it could fall inside the TV and permanently damage the internal components,
  • do not use chemicals such as acetone or bleach,
  • do not use classic glass cleaning products,
  • do not use kitchen paper to clean the TV screen.

Now that you know how to clean a TV screen without causing damage, immediately put these tips into practice to have superior image quality.