
How to grow ginger at home to have an endless supply (and make it flower)

By liliaturcin5

Ginger Zingiber officinale ) is an aromatic and spicy root widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Growing it at home can be a rewarding experience and can lead to the production of high-quality fresh ginger.

In this guide, we’ll explore the steps needed to successfully grow ginger indoors and even encourage it to flower .


Before you start growing ginger, make sure you have everything you need:

  1. Ginger Roots for Planting: Purchase fresh, high-quality ginger roots from the market or grocery store. Look for fleshy, undrying roots with well-developed buds.
  2. Proper pot: Choose a pot or container large enough to accommodate the ginger roots and that has good drainage. A thickness of at least 25-30cm is recommended to allow the roots to grow freely.
  3. High-quality potting soil: Use well-drained potting soil enriched with organic matter. You can also mix garden soil with compost or houseplant potting mix.
  4. Location: Choose a location that receives indirect or filtered light. Ginger thrives in warm, humid climates, so try to create an environment like that.

How to grow ginger

Follow these steps to successfully grow ginger:

1. Root preparation:

Cut the ginger roots into pieces of about 5-7cm, making sure each piece has at least one bud.

2. Germination:

  1. Fill the pot with the prepared soil.
  2. Plant the root pieces about 2-3cm deep, with the buds facing up.
  3. Gently water the soil so that it is moist, but not soggy.

3. Seedling care:

  1. Place the vase in an area with indirect light and a constant temperature around 20-25°C.
  2. Keep the soil moist, but not too wet. Excess water can cause root rot.
  3. After a few weeks, you should start to see shoots emerge.

4. Transplant:

When the plants have grown enough (usually after 2-3 months), you can transplant them into a larger pot or into the garden, if weather conditions allow. Make sure to maintain a space of at least 15-20cm between each plant.

5. Healing continues:

  1. Provide water regularly, keeping the soil moist but not flooded.
  2. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.
  3. Pruning: Cut off wilted or damaged leaves to encourage the growth of new leaves.

How to make ginger flower

Getting ginger to flower requires patience and extra attention. Follow these steps to increase your chances of flowering:

  1. Seedling maturation: Allow the ginger seedlings to grow and mature for at least 8 to 10 months. Flowering usually occurs in more mature plants.
  2. Suspension of care: Gradually reduce watering and fertilization to “induce” the plant to enter a resting state.
  3. Simulating a Seasonal Change: If you are growing ginger indoors, you can simulate a seasonal change by exposing the plants to slightly cooler temperatures (15-18°C) for several weeks.
  4. Wait and observe: Flowering may take time and is not guaranteed. Continue to monitor your plants and watch for signs of flowering, such as the emergence of long stems with flower buds.
  5. Care during flowering: Provide TLC during flowering, ensuring plants receive enough indirect light and humidity.

Growing ginger at home can be an exciting and rewarding challenge. From germination to flowering, each stage requires attention and care.

Remember that ginger flowering can be unpredictable and not always guaranteed, but with the right care and patience, you may be lucky to enjoy beautiful ginger flowers in your home.