
The special oil that polishes wooden furniture and makes it look like new again

By liliaturcin5

Wood is a resource widely used by man . Versatile and renewable, if used responsibly it allows us to have beautiful furniture that is destined to last for many years.

Having an antique wooden piece of furniture at home means having an inestimable wealth, often associated with memories or particular affections. If properly protected, these objects can last many years and retain their original appearance .

However, almost all wood protection products , such as paints, are loaded with chemicals and toxins. In this article we list some natural alternatives .

Linseed oil to protect the wood

This oil helps clean and nourish the wood , has water-repellent properties and is very effective in recovering the original colours .

Furthermore, thanks to its greasiness and other specific characteristics, it allows you to correct and hide any scratches that can damage the wood .

Before applying it, make sure the surface is clean and dust-free. Apply a generous amount of linseed oil to a cloth and spread it over the entire surface until it is completely absorbed.

With another clean cloth, dry the surface, eliminating excess oil, then leave to dry for several hours. If applied once a month, this oil can give great results.

Olive oil to revive the wood

Olive oil is another effective product for reviving wood that, over time, can fade, lose its luster and become dull.

Mix a few drops of olive oil with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of liquid Marseille soap. Apply the mixture directly to the wood, distributing it over the entire surface with the help of a brush.

Once left to sit for a couple of hours, wipe the surface of the wood with a clean cloth.