
Powerful trick for removing limescale and encrustations from the boiler and hot water pipes

By liliaturcin5

It doesn’t matter what time of year we are: a nice hot shower is a unique pleasure, despite sometimes having a high price for the pipes and boiler . We are not referring to the price of gas, but to the formation of limescale and encrustations .

Limescale is nothing more than a compound of mineral ions and salts, such as magnesium and calcium, which are found in water and which accumulate on metal surfaces causing stains or even, in the most serious cases, real obstructions.

Below we suggest an excellent trick to eliminate limescale and encrustations from the boiler and hot water pipes , saving us time and money (hot water arrives more effectively and faster).

First step . The first thing to do is turn off both the water and gas. The boiler must be completely turned off. Connect a hose to the water outlet, with the help of a pump, you will remove and introduce a special mixture.

Second step . In a container, mix 250 ml of white vinegar with water. Pour into a container through which you can pour the mixture into the tube.

Be careful: there are substances on the market that eliminate limescale. If you want to do an internal cleaning of the pipes, you need to contact a specialized technician.

Third step . You can clean the outside of the boiler and pipes using a cloth soaked in vinegar, rubbing vigorously to remove the most difficult stains.

While hot water is a convenience and a pleasure, it can also cause scalding. We advise you to clean the boiler and hot water pipes very carefully.