
I prepare the aubergines like this: I spread this pesto on them, I fold them and then I bake them | Only 90 calories!

By liliaturcin5

For a delicious appetizer, thanks to which you will open lunch or dinner in a super interesting way, you can try presenting breaded aubergines with rocket and cheese pesto (without frying) . Are you betting that you will leave your family, friends and relatives speechless?

Surely, they are the best solution to consume vegetables for those who have a real aversion to them, because in this way they will not only appreciate them but will start to love them. And, they will be so successful that young and old will ask you to make them often. This recipe will even allow you to make an exception to the rule if you have decided to go on a diet, giving you the satisfaction of eating a super satisfying dish.

It’s not even complicated to prepare them even if you have to make pesto, a condiment that requires very few ingredients and a very fast procedure.

The recipe for breaded aubergines with rocket and cheese pesto

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 12 slices
Calories: 90 per slice


  • 2 eggplants
  • 100 g of breadcrumbs
  • 30 g of grated Parmesan
  • 50 gr of Pecorino cut into thin flakes (other cheeses are fine too)
  • 1 clove of grated garlic
  • a drizzle of olive oil
  • Just enough oregano
  • Just enough pepper
  • Just enough salt

What you need for rocket pesto

  • 80 g of rocket
  • 20 ml of olive oil
  • 10 peanuts
  • 1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Just enough pepper
  • Just enough salt


  1. First of all, peel the aubergines, cut them (lengthwise) into slices almost 1 centimeter thick , arrange them on a chopping board, salt them and let them rest for a few minutes .
  2. Now put the breadcrumbs in a dish, add the grated Parmesan, the grated clove of garlic, mix and season with salt, pepper and oregano.
  3. Now take the aubergines, dab them with a sheet of absorbent paper, brush them with a little oil on both sides and roll them in the flavored breadcrumbs.
  4. Once this is done, place them in a dripping pan lined with special paper and put them in the oven (very hot oven) for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200°C .
  5. In the meantime, let’s prepare the pesto: place the rocket in the mixer glass, add the peanuts, the garlic clove, the salt, the pepper, the grated Parmesan and the oil, then blend to obtain a smooth, homogeneous and soft pesto .
  6. Finally, season the aubergine slices with the pesto and a flake of Pecorino, fold them in half and cook in the preheated oven for another 5 minutes at a temperature of 200°C .