
The 5 tricks to follow to have a fragrant and lush basil plant for years

By liliaturcin5

Basil is one of the most loved and used aromatic herbs in the kitchen, thanks to its unique aroma and fresh flavour. Growing a lush, fragrant basil plant that lasts a long time requires attention, care and a few little tricks.

In this article, we’ll explore five tips to help you get a healthy, long-lasting basil plant .

1. Choose the right place and light:

Basil loves sunlight, so be sure to place your plant in a location where it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. A well-exposed window or sunny balcony are great choices. Adequate lighting will help the plant grow vigorously and have more fragrant leaves.

2. Soil and water:

Use well-drained, nutrient-rich soil for your basil plant. Be sure to water regularly, but avoid waterlogging which could cause root rot. Humidity is important, so check the soil moisture level often and water when necessary.

3. Regular pruning and harvesting:

To ensure a lush, dense basil plant, practice regular pruning. Remove mature or damaged leaves to encourage the growth of new shoots and leaves. Pruning also helps maintain the shape of the plant and prevent it from becoming too woody.

4. Use natural fertilizer:

To encourage healthy, vigorous growth of basil, use a nutrient-rich organic or natural fertilizer. Apply the fertilizer during the active growth phase of the plant, following the instructions on the package. The regular supply of nutrients will promote greener and more aromatic leaves.

5. Pay attention to the temperature:

Basil thrives in moderate temperatures, generally between 18°C ​​and 26°C. Avoid temperature changes and drafts, as these conditions can damage the plant. If you grow basil outdoors, consider bringing the plant indoors during colder seasons.

In conclusion, growing a lush, fragrant and long-lasting basil plant requires attention to details such as light, soil, water, pruning, fertilizer and temperature.

By following these five tricks, you will be able to enjoy abundant basil harvests for many years to come, enriching your cooking with its delicious aroma and unique taste.

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