
How to turn any pelargonium into a bush – it takes 5 minutes to do it

By liliaturcin5

Pelargonium, a plant with bright colors and an intoxicating aroma, is one of the most beloved flowers to decorate balconies and gardens. With its bright petals tinged with red, pink, purple or white, the pelargonium is an explosion of beauty that attracts everyone’s attention. But do you know how to take better care of it? And above all, have you ever thought about multiplying it to create a pelargonium on a bush? Here’s how.


Pelargonium, also known as geranium, is an ornamental plant that conquers with its beauty and versatility.  Native to southern Africa , pelargonium has spread throughout the world due to its incredible ability to adapt to different climates and environments. This plant has dense foliage and brightly colored flowers that  make every space more cheerful and welcoming . It is perfect for beautifying balconies, terraces or gardens with a touch of color and elegance.

But what exactly is pelargonium? It is a plant belonging  to the Geraniaceae family,  characterized by fleshy leaves and flowers grouped in showy inflorescences. There are different varieties of pelargonium, each with its own aesthetic peculiarities and cultivation requirements.

One of the main reasons for the success of  pelargonium is its ease of growth and care . This plant does not require special attention and is resistant to common garden flower diseases. However, there are some fundamental indications to ensure the proper cultivation of pelargonium.

To keep your pelargonium healthy, be sure to place it in a sunny location but protected from direct wind. Water the plant regularly , avoiding stagnation of water in the saucer . Additionally, it is important to fertilize pelargonium during the flowering season. But let’s find out how to make any pelargonium on a bush.

How to cure a pelargonium

Pelargonium is a plant much loved for its beauty and resistance. However, like all plants, it requires proper care to thrive. Here are some tips on how to care for a pelargonium.

Specific care for a pelargonium

First, it is important  to choose the right soil for your pelargonium . This plant prefers well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Make sure the pot or flower bed you grow it in has good drainage and use  soil specifically for flowering plants .

Another fundamental thing is the correct watering of the pelargonium. Avoid watering it too frequently, as it does not tolerate excess water. Wait until  the soil dries slightly before  watering again. Be sure to place your pelargonium in a sunny location. These plants love direct sunlight and need it to grow lush and produce abundant flowers.

Don’t forget also about regular pruning of your pelargonium.  Remove spent flowers  as they emerge and prune any dry or damaged parts of the plant to encourage healthy new growth.

By following these simple tricks, you can ensure a long life for your beloved pelargonium on the balcony or in the garden. And take care of it carefully,  avoiding small mistakes that could compromise its growth. And in addition to the main care, let’s find out how to turn any pelargonium into a bush.

The main techniques for transforming any pelargonium

The main techniques to multiply a pelargonium can be very useful to have more plants of this beautiful floral variety, and make it become a beautiful shrub. There are several methods you can use, depending on your preferences and available resources.

How to turn it into a bush

One of  the most common techniques is cutting . To do this, simply cut a portion of the stem from a healthy, strong plant, making sure to include some leaves in the section taken. The cutting is then placed  in a pot with  fresh, well-drained substrate,  keeping the soil slightly moist until  roots begin to appear.

Another effective technique is grafting. This method  requires greater skill and attention  because it involves combining two different plants, taking the shoot or top of a desired plant (the rootstock) and grafting it onto the trunk or base of another plant ( the graft ). It is important that the  two parts fit perfectly  so that the graft can adhere correctly. And the result that will come out will be truly surprising, in fact for this technique, you can also use two geranium branches of different colors.

Finally, there is also the possibility of propagating pelargoniums through division of tufts. This method  can be done in spring or early summer  when the plants are still young and vigorous. Simply gently separate the tufts from the mother plant with the help of a  sharp knife or a clean pair of scissors , and bury them in another pot. Remember to always use a compost suitable for this type of plant, and make a draining layer at the bottom of the pot.

Five minutes, pelargonium on a bush

Five minutes can make the difference between a simple pelargonium and a wonderful bush with colorful flowers. If you have pelargonium on the balcony or in the garden and  you want to turn it into a real attraction , then follow these simple steps to multiply it quickly.

Five minutes, pelargonium on a bush

The main technique to obtain more pelargonium plants is taleggio. Take a healthy plant with well-developed branches and cut off some of its side branches. Make sure  each branch has at least 3-4 nodes , as this is where new roots will grow.

Then we take our cut twigs and  gently remove all the leaves from the bottom half of the branch . This will ensure that all of the plant’s energy goes into root growth rather than feeding the leaves. Now we fill a small pot with  moist soil and make  a hole in the middle to insert our twig  without damaging the upper nodes . We cover the bottom of the stem well with soil and apply light pressure around it to stabilize it. Do not compress the top layer of soil too much, otherwise the roots will suffocate.

Finally, we place our new seedling in full sunlight but  avoiding direct exposure to intense rays  during the hottest hours of the day. Being fragile and the sun too strong, you risk causing it to burn completely. So keep it constantly hydrated  by misting water on top of the plant , this should be done when it is placed in the shade and the internal soil does not have a high temperature.

Now that you have learned this simple technique, all you have to do is turn the pelargonium into a shrub.