
What is the soursop leaf used for?

By liliaturcin5

Nature always surprises us. Now, it is soursop, a powerful antioxidant, whose properties go beyond curing cancer, since this fruit also known as graviola contains acetogenins.

Substances that have the ability to selectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumor cells.

This makes it a natural antitumor, therefore an ally in the fight against cancer. This was stated by Dr. Martha Villar, director of the EsSalud Complementary Medicine Program.

The specialist maintained that acetogenins, present in soursop – concentrated mainly in the leaves – are derivatives of the long chain of fatty acids that have direct action on cancer cells, which they destroy selectively, without damaging the cells. and healthy tissues, in addition to raising the immune system.

“Graviola or soursop has been known since pre-Hispanic Peru and has been traditionally used in cases of diabetes, rickets, colds, indigestion and intestinal parasitosis for its astringent, cleansing and digestive properties,” he noted.