
How to grow bougainvillea in pots and make it bloom constantly

By liliaturcin5

Bougainvillea is one of the most loved and appreciated plants, since if cared for properly it can give us a unique spectacle and embellish terraces and balconies during many months of the year.

This wonderful plant, native to South America, grows best if grown in a clay, terracotta or ceramic pot of at least 30 centimeters in diameter, and in soil with 80% fertilizer and 20% sand to ensure good drainage.

When we grow bougainvillea we must not press the soil too much, as this would make it less rich in air (therefore less porous) and would lead to greater water retention, which is harmful to the plant.

Water bougainvillea well after planting or transplanting. If your area is very humid or rainy, increase the amount of sand in the soil so that drainage is sufficient. Bougainvilleas need the soil to dry out between waterings.


Water the bougainvillea thoroughly to allow excess water to drain from the base of the pot. This operation will ensure that moisture reaches the roots.

Allow the soil to dry before watering it again. Generally speaking, you need to water once a week during the warm months and every 2-3 weeks during autumn and winter.


Bougainvillea is a climbing plant that needs support until it reaches a certain height, after which it can grow tall and avoid bending.

Prune in early spring to keep bougainvilleas “compact” if they are planted in pots. This operation will stimulate the formation of new flowers.


To obtain more abundant flowering, plant the bougainvillea in a pot that slightly limits the growth of the roots, in full sun, and avoid excessive watering. Bougainvillea blooms best when its roots are compact and attached to the pot.