
How to make the poinsettia produce many flowers and last many years

By liliaturcin5

The Christmas star has become a symbol of the Christmas holidays, and cannot be missing from our homes. However, most of the time it lasts only a few weeks and is discarded immediately after the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Native to Mexico, the poinsettia produces wonderful red flowers that can beautify and decorate any corner of the home. This plant can last for many years , as long as the necessary precautions are followed.

Below we suggest 6 tricks to ensure that the poinsettia has abundant flowering and lasts for a long time.

Place the poinsettia in a place where it can receive plenty of indirect light (avoiding the sun’s rays hitting it directly). Since it is a plant prone to being attacked by fungi, it must be avoided in shady or too humid places .

The ideal temperature for poinsettia flowering is between 15 and 25°C. Ventilation is also important, but it must be protected from excessively strong currents.

Before watering the poinsettia, place a finger in the soil and make sure it is dry. Never wet leaves and flowers to avoid the appearance of spots.

Water a couple of times a week and make sure the pot has good drainage to avoid waterlogging.

To encourage flowering you can add a fertilizer rich in nitrogen. Be careful not to overdo it: both excess and deficiency of nutrients can prevent flowering.

Once the Christmas holidays are over, prune the plant to make it flower faster. The month of February is the best for pruning the poinsettia.