
How to clean your shutters to make them look like new

By liliaturcin5

Shutters are indispensable decorative elements in a home. They help to give more privacy, regulate light and contribute to the aesthetics of both external and internal spaces.

However, shutters are among the elements of the house most likely to get dirty, which is why they need to be cleaned constantly. Below we explain how to clean shutters quickly.

The best way to clean shutters is also the simplest, that is, with warm water and soap.

To clean shutters, whatever their material, you need to have a microfibre cloth, a brush, liquid soap, warm water and bicarbonate of soda.

Before starting to wash the shutters it is necessary to close them and remove all the dust, with the help of a brush. You can also use a microfibre cloth or, if possible, a vacuum cleaner.

How to clean each type of shutter: plastic, aluminium, wood, PVC…

  • Plastic . If they can be dismantled, the ideal is to take them to the bathroom and wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • Wood . To wash them you can use a mix of two equal parts of water and vinegar. Avoid chemicals, which can be very aggressive.
  • Aluminum . They can be cleaned like plastic ones, taking great care not to let them rust.
  • PVC . Also in this case it is recommended to wash them with water and soap, preferably liquid and Marseille soap.