
How to prevent ants from entering your house: 9 infallible tricks

By liliaturcin5

The invasion of ants in the home is one of the most feared diseases. In fact, how many times has it happened to us to enter the kitchen and find a long line of these insects carrying food or crumbs.

As we well know, this is very annoying more than anything, however they are not dangerous. While it is true that there are ants that sting, they also help control other pests.

How to prevent ants from entering your house: 9 infallible tricks

Despite this, when they enter homes in search of food it is to take to their anthill. So when that happens it can become a real problem. Surely, we have responded to this invasion by spraying insecticide to eliminate them.

Fortunately, there are other alternatives and homemade solutions that we can apply and put an end to this plague:

These are simple tricks but they do not fail, the objective is to prevent ants from entering our home:

1. Seal the entrance:

If we see that there is a line of ants, we must follow it to the entrance or beginning of the path. If you find a crack or crack, the measure to take is to seal or putty it.

If we do not find the anthill, it may be in the pipes or where the cables are inserted and seal them immediately.

2. Sponge with soap and water:

We can simply exterminate the ants with the sponge with soap and water, we must eliminate those that are inside the house, those that managed to enter. Let’s remember, those that are outside have the objective of controlling other pests.

3. Avoid tall grass:

The best recommendation is to keep the garden at a certain distance from the house, as the ants build their nest there. In addition, the grass and tall bushes contribute to their entry into the house.

4. Preserve food well:

Food containers should be tightly sealed or closed, particularly sugar, honey, and even pet food.

You must also keep your pet’s bowl clean once they have eaten; another suggestion is to place it over containers of water.

5. Keep the place clean of drink and food residue:

This is the best way to prevent ants from invading, so make sure there are no sticky remains or grease stains on the floor.

We recommend: Ants in the house: meaning and how to combat them

6. Take out the trash:

At the end of each day you have to remove the trash from the kitchen, to ensure that the ants have blocked access, you can place Vaseline on the inside edge of the trash can lid. It is the best way to put up a barrier and prevent ants from invading the garbage.

7. Prevent ants from invading the pot:

If ants invade a pot, we can submerge it in a mixture of water and insecticidal soap. You can even take the pots out to the garden or balcony.

8. Repair leaks in pipes:

It is essential to repair leaks in pipes, not only do ants look for food, but they also look for water.

9. Set up an ant bait trap:

If we observe an infestation of ants in the garden, we can use bait with insecticide to attract the ants and take us to the anthill. In this way, the entire colony will be destroyed.

We just have to be careful with children and pets.

Let’s apply these foolproof tricks to prevent ants from entering the house!