
After discovering this useful tip, you will no longer water your plants like before

By liliaturcin5

When you cross the threshold of a house, you are always dazzled  if there are  flowers and plants of various species inside, which enrich the interior giving it color and vitality. It certainly cannot be denied that a house adorned with lush plants looks completely different, also managing to infuse more serenity and liveliness into those who live there. However, as anyone who has plants at home or outside in the garden knows,  taking care of them is essential  if you really want them to grow healthy and strong. To ensure a long life for our plants, one of the main aspects is undoubtedly watering, which must be carried out at regular intervals. But that’s not all, since  there are different ways of watering  : however, only some of them can really benefit our plants.

The trick to watering plants well: here’s how

For example, some expert gardeners recommend a simple tip for better watering. You must first get a  small plastic bottle  : a Coca-Cola or a Sprite is good, obviously empty. Why is this element essential? Many will water the plants  directly with the hose  , which releases a powerful jet of water that does not guarantee any benefit to the plants. In this way, in fact, there is a risk of causing damage and it is not excluded that they are even eradicated due to excessive water pressure. How to avoid this scenario?  The secret is to make a watering can  from the plastic bottle.

Water the plants correctly

In addition to the bottle, you will need  a needle  (or something very sharp) and some electrical tape. We take the bottle from the bottom and start making a series of holes with the needle (or with the sharp tool that we collected). If the bottom of the bottle is particularly hard you can  heat the needle  to make it penetrate more easily. After filling the bottom with holes, you can move on to the next phase.

Take the hose that is usually used for watering plants and insert it inside the plastic bottle,  sealing everything with tape.  You must be very careful to weld the tube very well inside the bottle, in order to have a stable watering can.

When to water: never at midday and at night

Once the process is completed, just turn on the water to notice how the jet  will come out in jets  through the holes previously made with the needle. In this way, the plants are not mistreated and receive the right amount of water, thus obtaining exclusive benefits.

Water well

With this tip, you will probably always want to water your plants. Nothing could be further from the truth, given that  watering must take place at regular intervals,  without exaggerating. Experts recommend watering plants first thing in the day in summer, that is, between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. In addition, another tip given is  not to water at midday  , because at that time the sun evaporates the water and the plants would remain dehydrated. Finally, it is not appropriate to water plants at night because the roots decrease their metabolic function during the night.