
Nettles with vinegar for abundant hair loss and abdominal pain

By liliaturcin5

Since ancient times, nettles have been used as a source of food, fiber and medicine. 

In ancient Egypt, there are reports of the use of nettle infusion to relieve arthritis and lumbago pain (sudden pain in the lower back).

Many experts in alternative medicine also recommend nettle for the treatment of diseases such as chronic rheumatism, typhus or cholera.

It is said that Roman soldiers carried nettles with them to heal their tired and sore feet after long marches in cold and wet weather.

You may have heard of nettle syrup or nettle honey. 

However, few people know that nettle is very useful even when mixed with ordinary vinegar!

In addition to its excellent health effects, this mixture is also a very tasty ingredient in marinades or salad dressings.

What is nettle vinegar capable of?

  • one of the strongest means of detoxifying the body
  • supports hair growth and hair loss
  • help for the liver and kidneys
  • cleanses the blood
  • by removing toxins and poisons from the body, it also helps in the process of losing weight
  • accelerates metabolism
  • helps with bloating and heavy stomach
  • For external use, it is excellent for tightening the scalp and hair fibers

Here’s how to prepare vinegar with nettles:


  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade)
  • 6 handfuls of fresh nettle tips


Finely chop the nettle leaves and put them in a glass container.

Pour vinegar so that it covers them.

Leave to stand for up to 4 weeks in a dark place, stirring occasionally.

Then strain.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

How to use it:

Use nettle vinegar in spring summer salads and cold dishes.

At the same time, after diluting with water, you can use it to massage the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth.

If you have problems with blood cells, liver, kidneys or digestion and bloating, you can drink nettle vinegar on an empty stomach every morning – 1 tsp. in 100 ml of water for three weeks.

Drinking vinegar also contributes to supporting metabolic processes in the body and is therefore a suitable supplement for targeted weight loss.

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