

By liliaturcin5

Clear! Propagating succulent plants in water is a fairly popular and simple method. Here I explain how to do it:

Choose the right plants: Not all succulents are ideal for propagating in water, but many are. Some of the most suitable include jade varieties (Crassula), some Echeverias, sedum, and donkey tail (Sedum morganianum), among others.

Cut the cuttings: Use a clean, sharp scissors or knife to cut a piece of healthy stem from the mother plant. Make sure the cut is clean and that there are no remains of leaves on the stem. Let the cuttings dry for a day or two to allow the wounds to heal and prevent rot.

Place the cuttings in water: Fill a container with clean water and place the succulent cuttings inside. Make sure only the cut parts are submerged in water and do not touch the bottom of the container.

Care and water change: Place the container in a bright place but without direct exposure to the sun. Change the water every few days to keep it clean and oxygenated, as stagnant water can encourage the growth of bacteria and fungi that damage the cuttings.
Wait and see: Over time, you will see roots appear on the ends of the submerged cuttings. This may take a few weeks or even months, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

Transplant: Once the roots are long enough and well established, you can transplant the cuttings into succulent substrate. Be sure to use a well-drained mix and water sparingly, as succulents do not tolerate excess moisture.

And that’s it! With a little patience and care, you can easily propagate your succulents in water.