
Tips to get rid of bedbugs for good

By liliaturcin5

Bedbugs  are among the most annoying insects that can be found in our homes. Although they do not transmit any disease, they cause discomfort due to their bites and allergic reactions. They are known to live in our sheets and are so tough that it is sometimes necessary to resort to chemical treatments to get rid of them.

It is precisely for this reason that in this article we explain how to  eliminate bedbugs with natural tips  , which are not very aggressive but are still very effective. In addition to protecting our health and that of our loved ones, we also provide a great service to the environment.

Bed bugs usually live between our sheets, where they can nest and stay for months. However, these animals do not tolerate extreme temperatures and therefore, to eliminate them we suggest you practice the following tips.

Use the cold

This option is simple during the winter, especially if you live in particularly cold places to be able to drastically lower the temperature in your home. The cold temperature should be maintained for a few hours, so that all the bedbugs can be eliminated.

In winter, simply leave the windows open or, if possible, put the furniture attacked by bedbugs, including the mattress, outside. Remember that for this method to be effective, it is necessary to have a temperature around 0°C.

Getting rid of bedbugs with cold

Heat is also effective against bed bugs. If you live in an area where winter is mild or it is not possible to put furniture outside, you can use heat to get rid of annoying insects.

Wash all bed linen in very hot water, make sure it is not below 50°C.

Use a vaporetto

To apply a heat source directly to the mattress or bedroom furniture, the most practical and effective solution is steam cleaning.

To do this, you will need a steamer or similar device that emits steam at a high temperature.

Now that you know how to get rid of bed bugs from the bedroom for good, try one of the methods described above to say goodbye to these annoying insects.