
Don’t throw away used tea bags, hang them on the door handle: you’ll save a lot of money

By liliaturcin5

This is a trick that very few people know, and those who practice it know:  saving money is guaranteed.  There are many of us who prepare a good cup of hot tea every day, especially in these cold autumn and winter months. There is nothing better than hot tea: it makes every breakfast and snack tasty. When we finish our cup of tea we throw away the infusion bag,  but we don’t know if we should keep it  . We can make smart use of it and not throw it away. What we should do is hang it on the door of the house, sure it may seem strange,  but the benefits are there and they will surprise you.

Hang tea bags on your door: what are the benefits?

We are in the middle of autumn and winter is getting closer. During these cold seasons, many of us prepare hot cups of tea every day to warm up and enjoy something good. There are many filters that we throw away every day, and we shouldn’t.  There are many uses that we can give to tea bags  . The most famous refers to a solution for aesthetic purposes: placing tea bags over the eyes would help relieve eye fatigue and the associated dark circles.

It also reduces eye inflammation and soothes irritations. This happens if we first put the envelopes in the refrigerator. Tea is also a great ally for hair beauty. It can be used against hair loss, a problem that becomes even more evident during the fall season. Simply massage your scalp for about five minutes before shampooing.

tea bags

But let’s get to the point:  by hanging the envelopes on the handles we can achieve something sensational.  This trick not only applies to the front door, it also applies to radiators, closets or any place you think is appropriate. To obtain the benefits of this gesture it is necessary to equip yourself with essential oils: choose those that have a smell that you particularly like.

There are essential oils with a delicious aroma, you just have to find the right one for you.  Add drops of essential oil inside the used and dried tea bags,  and then hang them wherever you want. The result will be a home full of a delicious aroma. The smell will be constant, delicate and not at all annoying. If you decide to try this trick, you should know that hanging these sachets soaked in essential oil in your closets will also scent all your clothes.

You won’t be able to do without it anymore! It will be better than any scented candle or air freshener.  You’ll save a lot of money and enjoy a delicious-smelling home.