
The remedies of our grandfathers how to get rid of knee pain without expensive painkillers:

By Lilia

Knee pain is undoubtedly very unpleasant and is most often caused by a defect in the bone structure. 

In case of unpleasant pain, people often reach for painkillers from the pharmacy, but it can be relieved in a completely different way!

Knee pain can affect all age groups.

What causes knee pain?




How does the pain manifest itself?

Like a dull sharp pain in the whole knee joint or in one place.

Stiffness of the knee joint and limited mobility.

Inflammation that can spread to surrounding tissues.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to relieve pain almost immediately!

A miracle called mass

Lard contains acids that can retain the healing substance and send it directly to the deeper parts of the skin. 

Depending on which herbs you use, it treats, for example, eczema , inflammation, helps heal scars and varicose veins, and thanks to collagen, it beautifully smoothes the skin and fights wrinkles.

Calendula ointment from our grandmothers – this is not bought at the pharmacy

An ancient wonder that has countless health and beauty uses.

just rub it on your chest and you have the best remedy for coughing fits , even asthmatic,

relieves pain in the back , muscles and joints

is invaluable for babies and mothers,

soothes the skin

fights eczema, skin inflammations, acne,

the best remedy for varicose veins , bruises and small wounds,

disinfects and soothes,

heals insect bites, abrasions and small scars after surgery or injury.

How to do it?

Put the lard on the fire and let it melt, when the lard starts bubbling, mix with the marigold flowers – the ratio is for 500 g lard, 1 handful of herbs. 

Leave everything together on the fire for about 5 minutes, then let it sit for 24 hours. 

We repeat this procedure – boiling and stopping 3 times. 

Then we strain through gauze and we have a ready ointment, which we store in clean containers in a cool place.

Homemade ointment for joint pain and skin problems

We need 250 g of lard and two full handfuls of chamomile flowers. 

Melt butter on fire, add chamomile and let everything boil. 

Then we set aside, cover the dish and put it in a cool place for 24 hours. 

The next day, warm the mixture and press it through a cloth.

Apart from chamomile, you can make these knee salves from bay leaf, horse chestnut and onion flakes.

Ointment of old honey and mustard – excellent for sore knees

We need:

1 spoon of honey

1 spoon of ordinary mustard

1 spoon of salt

1 spoon of soda


Just mix and apply on the knee. Wrap in foil and wrap with gauze or a scarf. 

Go to bed normally and just rinse with lukewarm water in the morning. 

It’s the perfect thing to do if you’re in pain right now – it works just as well as water on your knee. 

If you have very sensitive skin, try it on your wrist first to see if the mixture causes you problems. 

Repeat 4-5 days in a row, after which you should get rid of unpleasant pains. 

If they call again, repeat this simple procedure. I strongly recommend it.

Cartilage strengthening compress

However, it is not necessary to consume it , a simple but very effective gelatin compress .

How to do it?

As usual, the gelatin is dissolved in hot water (do not boil) and allowed to soften slightly. 

Then we apply it to the sore spot and leave it on for 45 minutes so that the substance is completely absorbed into the skin and reaches the joint. 

After 45 minutes, only a thin membrane should remain on your skin, which is a sign that the substance has been absorbed. 

According to search-2.blogspot.com, this is the cheapest way to keep joints and bones in good condition until old age. 

However, in our opinion, this method works only as a therapy for mechanical damage and calcium deficiency, but not for inflammatory diseases of the joints. 

A package of gelatin is not expensive, so this method is definitely worth a try. 

If you don’t use up all the gelatin, you can simply reheat it in the microwave before using it again.

More natural ways to relieve knee pain fast and treat the cause of the pain!

Coconut oil

It has very strong anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective in pain relief and healing. 

Heat ½ cup of coconut oil for 3 minutes on low heat and then apply on the knee. 

Wrap in foil, towel and leave for several hours. Repeat 1 to 2 times a day.

Hot pepper and olive oil

It contains capsaicin, which causes a sensation of heat in painful areas. 

It can quickly relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Mix 2 spoons of spices and 100-150 ml of olive oil. 

Apply the paste to the painful areas and let it work. When you feel that the pain subsides, you can wash off the paste.

Hot pepper and apple cider vinegar

Mix half a teaspoon of black pepper and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. 

Prepare a compress from this mixture by soaking gauze in this mixture and applying it to the painful areas.


They are rich in citric acid, which can effectively dissolve uric acid crystals, which are the main cause of arthritis. 

That is why lemons are very useful in the treatment of knee pain, as well as the causes of this pain.

Cut 1 lemon into slices and place on the painful area. 

Wrap in cheesecloth dipped in olive oil and cover with foil. Repeat twice a day for at least 15-20 minutes.

It is also very good to drink water with lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach.

Apple cider vinegar and cold water

Vinegar has strong alkalizing properties that dissolve harmful toxins in the joints. 

Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar with one glass of water and drink once a day.

Apple cider vinegar and olive oil

Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. 

Apply the mixture to the front and back of the knee!

That is, over the entire surface. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse with water.

Apple cider vinegar with warm water

Fill the tub with warm water. Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and mix by hand. 

The knees should be completely immersed in this liquid for 30 minutes. Repeat once a day for 1 week and the pain will subside.

Mustard oil stimulates blood circulation in the knees and surrounding tissues, reducing inflammation and pain. 

Put 2 spoons of oil on the fire and heat. When the oil is warm, add 2-3 cloves of pressed garlic. 

Apply the mixture to the knee and wrap it with foil and a towel. Leave on for 1 hour. We repeat the procedure twice a week.

Olive oil

Treats painful and swollen knees. It is enough to gently massage the painful knee with the oil for a few minutes – leave the oil on the knee for at least an hour and then wash it off. Repeat once a day.

Eucalyptus oil

It has a strong analgesic effect and quickly relieves knee pain, as it easily penetrates the skin. 

Mix 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of olive oil, 5 drops of peppermint oil and gently massage the painful areas with this mixture. Leave on the skin for at least 1 hour and then rinse.

Strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Besides the pain, it has a whole host of other benefits.

Mix 1 spoon of turmeric, honey, cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper and 1 cup of milk. 

We put it on the fire and heat it up. We drink a warm drink once a day.