
Beeswax ointment treats sinusitis, otitis, abscesses, swellings, women’s diseases, joint pain, etc.

By Lilia

Beeswax, like many other bee products, has a unique composition and has long been used in folk medicine. 

In 2002, an article by Elena Seimova appeared on the pages of the newspaper Babushka (Recipes for 100 Troubles), which made many readers look at this popular natural remedy in a new way.

The woman shared her successful experience of treatment with beeswax, vegetable oil and egg yolk. 

It is not so complicated and is available to anyone who wants to prepare it at home, the medicine turns out to be so effective that grateful readers called it “God’s ointment”.

And that’s not all – the recipe of the Russian Elena Seimova can be used for various diseases.

Even after so many years, Seimova has not been forgotten by people, and today letters with the inscription “About Seimova” continue to be sent to the editorial address, and more and more reviews from people who have managed to heal from many diseases appear on the web.


To prepare the healing product, you will need real beeswax from the apiary, preferably yellow in color. 

Candles from the church are not suitable as a base. Any oil is suitable: sunflower, corn, olive oil is more often used.


1/2 egg yolk

25-30 g of wax

150 ml of vegetable oil


Boil a homemade egg and separate the hard-boiled yolk from the white.

Pour the oil into an enamel container and heat it to 35-40 degrees.

Crumble the wax into the hot oil.

Continue to heat the vessel on the fire so that the wax melts completely and mixes with the oil, then add the yolk, well beaten with a fork, in small portions.

The yolk can provoke the release of a large amount of foam. 

At this point, the pot should be removed from the heat briefly. 

Then return it to the stove again, stirring constantly and not letting it heat up above 65-70 degrees.

Keep the mixture on constant heat until all products are completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is formed.

The medicinal beeswax ointment is ready. 

Strain it through plastic curtains folded in several layers and pour into small (preferably glass) containers with a wide mouth.


A truly effective ointment can be obtained by constantly monitoring the melting process. 

Prolonged boiling and overheating can destroy most of the beneficial substances in beeswax.


Purulent otitis media

Take a cotton swab, soak it in the slightly melted ointment and put it in the ear. 

Stay with the tampon until all of the ointment is thoroughly melted by body temperature.

Change the tampon if necessary while applying the ointment behind the ear. 

So you can treat all otitis, not only purulent.


Put 1 drop in your nose with ointment melted in a tablespoon.

So that it does not harden, do everything quickly. 

It is enough to drip the ointment into the nose twice with an interval of one hour.

Abscesses in the throat, purulent sore throat

Apply ointment to the throat, applying a compress to the neck area. 

If you do all this in the evening, repeating the procedure every hour, then by morning the abscess will burst.

Trophic ulcers

Every two hours apply a napkin with ointment. 

You cannot lie constantly and still 

It is necessary to give some load to the diseased limb. 

As a last resort, you can lie down to do leg exercises.


In mastopathy, the ointment is used as an addition to the main treatment. 

Place the pieces of thick fabric soaked with the product on the affected area and cover with paper. 

Change every two hours. Continue the procedure until the inflammation disappears.

Cysts and inflammation of the ovaries

Use tampons smeared with Seimova’s ointment.

Varicose veins

Rub the ointment into the skin 3 times a day.

Dermatitis, chapped lips

Lubricate problem areas 2 times a day.

Joint pains, rheumatism

Apply the ointment at night, cover with parchment paper or foil on top. 

Then, for better warmth, tie a woolen scarf.


To strengthen nails at home, rub ointment into them overnight.


Put the ointment on your finger and rub the gum next to the diseased tooth. This also applies to toothache under crowns.

As already mentioned, people have not stopped sharing exactly how and for what they use the healing beeswax ointment. 

There are those who rub it on the chest and thus alleviate the condition of coughs and respiratory diseases. 

Others got rid of the rough skin on the elbows and heels by applying the ointment. Still others have eased their arthritis condition.

Indeed, the application of this universal product is wide, and somewhat depends on individual needs. 

But, before you decide to use the ointment, it would be good to test yourself for allergies, as well as to discuss its application with your doctor.

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