
Disappearance of MIGRAINE, Cramps and Blood: 23 Effective Techniques

By Lilia

Discover 23 ways to relieve pain without drugs. 

Our solutions focus on the disappearance of migraines, cramps, menstrual pain, high blood pressure and other conditions. 

Find out how to deal with pain when you don’t have medicine on hand.

It can happen to anyone.  

The sudden onset of pain, throbbing or burning, is very difficult to relieve. 

When you are in pain, it is very unpleasant and your only wish is for the pain to stop.

If you don’t have the medicine at hand, you feel even worse. 

It may sound strange, but in reality there is nothing to worry about. 

There are other ways by which you can reduce the pain and today from the portal search-2.blogspot.com we will reveal them to you! 

Trivial things like a chocolate bar or mint tea will help.

We will reveal to you 30 methods that will help you get rid of pain if you do not want to take drugs or simply do not have them at hand.

30 ways to stop pain instantly without drugs

1. To relieve a sore throat, eat a piece of dark chocolate

What to do: If you cough and feel a sore throat, eat a piece of dark chocolate. Choose chocolate with a high cocoa content.

Why it works: According to scientists, chocolate suppresses coughs and cures sore throats because of the cocoa it contains.

2. Drink more water to relieve migraine symptoms

What to do: Experts recommend drinking at least a glass of water every 2 hours.

Why it works: Mild headaches and severe migraines can often be caused by dehydration. 

A poor balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body prevents systems from functioning properly. 

Drinking enough water will fight dehydration and ease migraine symptoms.

3. Use some turmeric to stop pain caused by inflammation

What to do: Add some turmeric to your diet to reduce pain caused by inflammation.

Why it works: Turmeric is widely used in alternative medicine due to the anti-inflammatory properties of its component curcumin. 

Doctors usually recommend the use of turmeric or curcumin capsules for patients who experience joint pain.

4. Reduce back pain by doing stretching exercises

What to do: Dress in comfortable clothes and prepare a yoga mat. 

There are various stretching exercises that you can perform, such as bringing your knees up to your chest or doing other stretching exercises while lying down.

Why it works: Stretching relaxes the muscles that support the spine and improves range of motion and overall physical mobility.

5. To get rid of a headache, smell essential oils

What to do: Apply a few drops of essential oil to a tissue and smell the essential oil. 

You can also add a few drops of essential oil to your bath or apply it to incense or your forehead. But be careful! 

Essential oils can cause burns and should be diluted with another oil (such as coconut oil) before application. 

There are different essential oils you can use: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile and so on.

Why it works: Essential oils are believed to have a calming and relaxing effect. Therefore, they are useful in treating anxiety and stress-induced headaches.

6. Use peppermint tea for toothache relief

What to do: put 1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. 

When the drink has cooled, rinse your mouth with it. You can also place warm, wet peppermint tea bags on the sore tooth and keep them until the pain subsides.

Why it works: Peppermint has analgesic and soothing properties. Additionally, the menthol in peppermint is known to have antibacterial properties.

7. Take a sea salt bath to reduce bone and joint pain

What to do: Add 2 cups of sea salt to your bath and lie in hot water for 15 minutes. You can also soak the sore spot in a basin of warm water and sea salt.

Why it works: Sea salt is high in magnesium, which regulates over 300 enzymes in the body and forces systems to function properly. 

This procedure also removes toxins and reduces stress and inflammation.

8. Go for a walk to feel better

What to do: Movement is the best choice if you feel unwell, but if the pain prevents you from doing so, try walking outside.

Why it works: Physical activity like exercise or walking releases endorphins and brain chemicals that reduce the sensation of pain. 

In addition, endorphins improve the immune response and induce feelings of euphoria.

9. Eat a banana to reduce menstrual cramps

What to do: If you get menstrual cramps, don’t eat sweets and choose a banana instead. Make a milkshake with banana and other fruits or just eat it as is.

Why it works: Bananas are high in potassium and vitamin B6, which help reduce muscle cramps and keep you from water retention and feeling bloated.

10. Use warm compresses to get rid of spasms and cramps

What to do: Use a hot water compress to relieve cramps. If you don’t have one, make a temporary compress with warm water from a plastic bottle. 

Fill the bottle with hot water, wrap with a towel and place on the sore spot. Be careful because you can burn yourself.

Why it works: Heat helps muscles relax, relieving pain and discomfort.

11. Soak your feet in hot water to lower your blood pressure

What to do: Take a bucket or bowl and fill it with hot, but tolerable, water. Place your hands and feet in a bowl and hold for about 10-15 minutes. 

To make the result even more effective, you can put an ice pack on the back of your head.

Why it works: Hot water activates blood circulation, so blood pressure gradually normalizes.

12. Ear points

On the ear, you will find many acupressure points that are connected to different parts of the body, and when you press them, you can very quickly relieve the symptoms of health problems.

These are the 6 basic acupressure points you need to know.

Just clip on them for a few minutes and the pain should subside.

1. Relief of painful stiffness in the shoulders and back

Insert the pin at point no. 1

2. Relief of pain in internal organs

Insert the pin at point no. 2

3. Relief of joint pain

Insert the pin at point no. 3.

4. Relief of sinus and throat pain

Insert the pin at point no. 4.

5. Relief of pain in the abdomen and stomach

Insert the pin at point no. 5.

6. Relief of heartaches and migraines

Insert the pin at point no. 6.

13. Burnt tongue

It must have happened to you.

You sip your coffee or tea, start eating the hot soup and burn your tongue.

Try a quick fix in the form of sugar.

Sugar reduces the pain of burning the tongue.

14. Stopping bleeding from a minor cut

If you accidentally cut yourself while cutting vegetables, for example, and the wound bleeds, apply Vaseline to it.

It stops the bleeding.

15. Plucking eyebrows

To reduce the pain of plucking your eyebrows, rub them with an ice cube beforehand.

The area will remain more numb and the plucking will be painless.

16. Stuffy nose

If you suffer from a cold and stuffy nose, put an onion on your nightstand in the bedroom.

It will help clear the airways.

17. Relief of general pain

This is the most important acupressure point that significantly relieves pain.

Massage it with light pressure for at least 1 minute.

18. With abdominal swelling

This acupressure point will help you if you suffer from a bloated belly and have problems with bloating.

Massage it with light pressure for at least 1 minute.

19. Migraine

If you suffer from migraines, these acupressure points on your head will help.

Gently press the point on the forehead and hold for 1 minute. Massage the points on the back of the neck with your thumbs for 1 minute.

20. Reduction of fever

This acupressure point helps reduce fever and sore throat.

Press it gently for 1 minute.

21. Relief of lower back pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, the acupressure point on the foot will help.

Press it for 1 minute and you should feel relief.

22. A bath that will relieve infections, reduce inflammation and help with hemorrhoids

Basic salt bath

Salt is an excellent antibacterial and healing agent.

It will help you with various problems from hemorrhoids to itching.

Just add about ¼ cup of salt to the warmest possible water to dissolve it well.

Sit in this tub or basin for 15-30 minutes and top up with warm water when you feel the water cool.

23. Bath with blueberry leaves for infections

This recipe helps treat urinary tract infections and hemorrhoids.

Blueberry leaves also help with diarrhea and digestive problems.

Make a cup of tea from 2 teaspoons of dried cranberry leaves and add them to your bath.

Sit in it for at least 5 minutes, ideally up to 20 minutes.

The tips and methods we have just told you about are effective in treating various pains. 

However, if you feel severe pain or the symptoms do not improve, you should consult your doctor and be examined.