
Soothe and refresh tired, sore feet with this simple blend

By Lilia

By soaking your feet in this solution for just 20 minutes, you will get rid of many diseases and remove toxins from the body!

Our health starts with our feet and these simple procedures are indispensable for strengthening our overall health.

The first step is to prepare a nice warm bath. If you don’t have a bathtub at home, you can dip your feet in a basin.

We guarantee: you will get pleasant relaxation and get rid of toxins from the body, which will help you strengthen the immune system, get rid of fatigue, eliminate unpleasant smell of feet, fungal infections of feet and nails, etc.!

We advise you to try these recipes and feel their healing effect! 

You will notice the results after the first application!

1 recipe:

2 cups of baking soda

1 cup Himalayan or sea salt

1 cup apple cider vinegar

10 drops essential oil of your choice

Place the salt in a glass jar of hot water and stir well to dissolve.

Then fill the tub with warm water, add apple cider vinegar. 

Then add saline and essential oil. Take a bath for 30 minutes.

For a foot soak, use 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and 2 drops of essential oil.

2nd recipe:

This recipe not only removes toxins but also treats skin problems.


50 grams of white or blue clay

1 cup Himalayan or sea salt

10 drops essential oil of your choice

Dissolve the salt and clay in hot water and add your favorite essential oil.

Use a plastic spoon when mixing.

Fill the bathtub with warm water and add the prepared mixture to it.

It is very good to apply the mixture of clay and salt directly to your body and massage your skin before bathing. 

This will increase the efficiency several times. 

Do this within five minutes. Then spend another 20 minutes in the bath.

If you are only going to do a foot soak, use 1 tablespoon of clay, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 3 drops of essential oil.

3rd recipe:


1 cup hydrogen peroxide (oxygen water) 3%

1 tablespoon ginger powder

Fill the tub with warm water and add all the ingredients. Then soak your body in the bath for half an hour.

It is a very suitable bath for the sick and is also great for fighting toxins, allergies and skin diseases.

For a foot soak, use 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of ginger powder.

Those who have used these recipes say they feel less joint pain, headaches and less fatigue.

If you have serious health problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking any traditional medicine.

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