
Help with acute back pain: A highly effective method that will quickly help even in difficult cases!

By Lilia

Maybe it has happened to you, just a sudden movement or lifting a heavy object and the back pain becomes unbearable.

You can’t move properly or even tie your shoelaces, and this sudden limitation can really complicate your life.

Fortunately, however, you don’t have to immediately reach for the painkillers.

These methods work, and you don’t have to reach for the pills if you feel like living, there are proper ways to relieve your sore back as quickly as possible. 

1. Relax your spine

1. Sit on the mat with your legs straight out in front of you.

2. Toes should be 5-10 cm apart.

3. Roll up a larger towel and place it under your knees.

4. Place a large pillow under your thighs and rest your entire upper body on it so that your head touches the pillow.

5. Stay in this position for 5 minutes or even more.

This simple position will help your spine to stretch properly.

It will release the tension that accumulates in the back muscles and you will get rid of muscle spasms.

2. Engage the psoas muscles

The psoas is a muscle that is constantly overworked when standing, walking and sitting.

Its role is to stabilize the spine.

It affects skeletal balance, strength, flexibility and also affects our breathing. 

1. Lie on the mat with your legs extended.

2. Place a yoga block or thicker pillow under your pelvis.

3. Gently relax your lower back toward the floor.

4. Stay in this position for 5 minutes or even more.

This exercise releases tension in the psoas muscles and balances them.

3. A simple 2-minute exercise

Exercise #1

1. Sit on the mat and stretch your right leg out in front of you.

2. Bend the left leg at the knee and place the entire foot on the ground.

3. Pull the knee towards you with the left hand, hold for a few seconds and release.

4. Repeat 10 times and then switch sides.

Exercise #2

1. Lie on your back and bend your knees.

2. Raise your legs about 10-15 cm above the ground.

3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and place your feet on the ground.

4. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise #3

1. Lie down with your legs extended.

2. Extend the tip of the right leg toward the floor and bend the left knee.

3. Grasp the knee with both hands and pull it towards the chest.

4. Hold for a few seconds, release and repeat on the other knee.

Exercise #4

1. Sit on the mat and spread your legs in front of you.

2. Reach your hands towards the fingertips and try to touch them.

3. If you can’t touch your toes, don’t force yourself.

You shouldn’t feel pressured.

Just try to bend as low as possible.

4. Repeat 10 times.

This series of exercises has many benefits.

But most importantly, it relieves tension in the lower back and hips.

Besides, it won’t take long.

4. Stretch the glutes

1. Sit on the mat, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground.

2. Lift your legs in the air, cross them and grab them with the opposite hand.

3. Pull the legs as close to the body as possible.

4. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes.

5. Release and repeat on the other side.

Back pain may be related to the glutes.

You include them in many movements without realizing it.

This is a great exercise to release tension in this area.

5. Find the acupressure points

Acupressure points are specific points on your body that are connected to different parts of the body.

If you apply light pressure on these points, you can get rid of the pain.

Low back pain is no exception.

The points associated with this part of the body are located on the knees and you can find them right in the middle. 

Press these points and apply pressure for 2-3 minutes.

Breathe deeply during this.

Thanks to this acupressure technique, the tension in the lower back will be released and you will feel relief.

6. Sit on a tennis ball

1. Sit on the mat, spread your legs and place a tennis ball under your butt on one side.

2. Move the body back and forth until you find exactly where the pain is.

3. When you find this spot, bend the knee of the same leg and place your ankle on the knee of the other leg.

4. To find balance in this position, place your palms behind you and support yourself on your hands.

5. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes and then switch sides.

The tennis ball helps to release tension in the gluteal muscles, which helps to relieve the lower back and improves blood flow to that part of the body.

7. Ear clip

No, this is really not a joke. Take a clip and place it on top of your ear.

Leave it there for 5 seconds and then attach it to the other ear.

Repeat 5 times for each ear.

The top of the ear is directly connected to your shoulders and back.

This means that when you stimulate these points, it automatically brings you relief in those parts of the body.

8. Lavender oil

Place a spoonful of coconut oil in a bowl and add lavender essential oil.

Stir and massage the affected part of the back.

Thanks to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, lavender oil relieves tension and relaxes back muscles. 

9. Stretching

Stretching exercises also help with back pain.

Try some of them and they should bring you relief.

Child’s pose

Stand on all fours and slowly move your butt toward your heels, keeping your palms on the floor in front of you and extending your arms.

Cat’s back

Stand on all fours, palms under shoulders and knees at right angles. 

Arch your back and pull your chin towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds in this position. 

Then, in reverse, bend your back and pull your head toward the ceiling. Again hold for 30 seconds.

10. Foot bath

Soak your feet. Take a basin and fill it with hot water (but not too hot so you don’t burn yourself). 

Add half a cup of Epsom salt. Mix well, sit down and dip your feet in the water. 

Leave them submerged for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with clean warm water and wrap in a towel.