
Dandelion root with honey and its beneficial properties

By Lilia

Dandelion root has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, including kidney, liver and stomach problems or diabetes.

Dandelion root and its effects on health

As the portal search-2.blogspot.com reports, the leaves and flowers of the dandelion are edible and very nutritious.

Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, C, D and B complex. It is even rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. 

The great thing is that this herb can be easily integrated into your daily diet.

The slightly bitter taste of dandelion leaves is suitable for salads, soups and baked dishes.

For variety, you can brew dandelion roots as a substitute for tea or coffee.

The root is harvested in early spring or autumn in September/October.

Helps with weight loss

Dandelion root is very useful for people who want to lose weight. 

The phytochemicals in dandelion have diuretic and laxative benefits that help increase the volume and frequency of urination.

This helps to get rid of excess water in the body.

Dandelion root suppresses appetite and helps break down fat and cholesterol. 

It is also very low in calories. Just drink dandelion root tea 2 to 3 times a day.

You can also add fresh green dandelion leaves to salads or soups.

Supports liver health

Dandelion root acts as a powerful liver tonic and is therefore considered very effective for liver health.

It supports the metabolism of fats accumulated in the liver and maintains proper liver function.

It also increases bile flow and aids liver detoxification.

Studies over the years have shown that dandelion root is beneficial against paracetamol-induced toxicity, in the prevention and treatment of obesity-related liver disease, and against alcohol-induced oxidative stress.

Regulates high blood pressure

Dandelion root is a natural diuretic that increases urination, both quantity and frequency.

Excessive urination helps to get rid of excess sodium without losing potassium.

It also helps reduce high blood pressure.

Dandelion is rich in fiber and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure.

The fiber in dandelion is also helpful in lowering cholesterol, which also helps in lowering blood pressure as cholesterol is one of the factors that raise blood pressure.

When blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels are under control, the risk of heart disease is reduced.

Heals the urinary tract

Dandelion root effectively helps remove deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and urinary tract.

As mentioned above, dandelion root is a very effective diuretic that helps increase urine volume and frequency.

Proper excretion of urine helps to clean the kidneys.

In addition, the root of the plant has disinfectant effects that have a beneficial effect on the urinary tract.

This in turn helps to reduce and prevent the risk of urinary tract infection.

At the same time, it reduces the risk of bladder disease.

Helps control diabetes

Dandelion can also help diabetics. It stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas, which keeps the blood sugar level under control.

Dandelion root’s diuretic properties help increase urination, which helps remove excess sugar from the body.

Diabetics are also more prone to kidney and liver disease, and dandelion root helps keep these organs healthy as well.

Dandelion root soothes the digestive system

Dandelion roots, leaves and flowers are edible and can be used to improve digestion.

This herb acts as a mild laxative to aid digestion, stimulate the appetite and balance the natural and beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This can increase the release of stomach acid and bile to aid digestion.

It also increases the pressure in the stomach and relaxes the muscle sphincters between the stomach and the small intestine, which helps in the proper digestion of food.

In addition, the high fiber content prevents constipation.

It works against swelling and inflammation

Dandelion’s diuretic properties help metabolize excess fluids, which is a great remedy against swelling and inflammation in the body.

This herb is great for treating water retention in the lower extremities.

Dandelion root contains potassium, which helps balance sodium in the body.

This helps reduce swelling and inflammation due to edema or water retention. 

To combat bloating, drink dandelion root tea 2-3 times a day. Drink dandelion root tea until the swelling goes away.

Avoid dandelion if you have gallbladder problems.

Dandelion root improves skin health

Dandelion root is rich in nutrients that support skin health and prevent skin problems.

The milky white liquid that oozes out of the dandelion when you cut it open is very beneficial for skin health.

Dandelion stem juice is very alkaline in nature. It also has bactericidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.

Dandelion milk juice can be applied directly to the skin.

Treats itching, herpes zoster, eczema and other skin diseases.

Dandelion root has excellent detoxifying, diuretic and antioxidant effects that are also effective in treating acne.

Improves bone health

Dandelion root is rich in antioxidants that protect against bone damage that comes with age when bones weaken and thin. 

The plant contains calcium, which is important for bone growth and strength.

Calcium deficiency is associated with weak bones.

If you drink dandelion root tea or eat the leaves of this herb, you can easily avoid weak bones and tooth decay.

Dandelion also contains vitamin K, which also plays an important role in bone health.

This vitamin is involved in bone mineralization, which reduces the risk of fractures, especially in postmenopausal women who are at risk of osteoporosis.

How to prepare it?

We clean the root, place it on a sheet and let it dry in a place with enough fresh air for about 13 days.

The roots should be tender to the touch.

When the roots are sufficiently dry, I transfer them to a container of dark glass that can be closed again. Store in a dry place for a maximum of 1 year.

Medicinal dandelion root tea

Boil 10 g of dry root in 600 ml of water. Bring to a boil, cover and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Allow to cool and drink during the day (1 cup (200 ml) in the morning, at lunch and in the evening).

Dandelion root with honey 

Dandelion root helps flush out even “hidden” toxins from the body. 

We mean all the metabolic products that have not been neutralized and expelled from the body, as well as all the toxins that we breathe in the air and ingest through food and water.

Collecting dandelion roots

Dandelions have long roots that are a little difficult to pull out. They are most easily removed after rain when the soil is soft. 

Dandelion should be collected from uncontaminated areas, away from traffic and industrial pollution.

Wash the roots well. They can be used fresh or dried.

How to make honey remedy with dandelion root

We all know about the healing properties of honey, so when it is combined with such a medicinal herb, it acquires immense healing powers.

After washing the root, finely chop it. Fill the jar halfway with chopped dandelion root and top up with honey. 

Shake well and wait for all the air bubbles to come out of the honey.

Heat is necessary to speed up the extraction process, but if exposed to high temperature, honey can lose some of its healing properties.

To avoid this, it is best to place the jar in a bowl of warm water. 

If necessary, change the water to keep it warm. Warm this honey for two hours.

Let it cool for at least 12 hours, preferably all day, before straining.

Strain the honey and store the root in a clean, sterilized jar in a dark, cool place.

Method of use

Make tea from the root and eat one tablespoon of honey in the morning and evening. 

When consumed in combination, tea and honey increase their effectiveness. 

The tea can also be prepared after a large meal to help with better digestion.If you liked the article, you can follow us and share the post with your friends and your opinion (or experience) in the