
Chicken thorn is removed with lard, old bread and other natural products from nature

By Lilia

How to get rid of corns with natural products?

If you dig through your grandmother’s notebooks or, in the modern version, through the Internet, you will come across dozens of folk recipes for the treatment and removal of chicken thorn. 

Some of them sound reasonable, and others are associated with a dose of doubt or even disgust. 

But as long as they continue to be mentioned and published, then they help with such unpleasant skin formations. 

We have selected for you some proven folk recipes for removing chicken thorn:

With stale bread

We start with an easy and affordable recipe that, according to our reader, is extremely effective. 

It is mainly used for corns, but it is also effective for other foot complaints. 

“If you suffer from pains caused by hens, take a piece of stale bread in the evening before going to bed. It is important that it is airy, dry. 

The size depends on whether you want to treat only the sore spot, or whether you want to relieve the entire leg. 

Drizzle pure apple cider vinegar over it. 

It should not become a mush, but should only be moistened. Attach to the leg and wrap with foil. 

If you don’t have one, a regular plastic bag will work. 

Also put on a sock so it doesn’t move.

That’s how the whole night is spent. 

In the morning, the compress is removed, the foot is washed and the softened skin is gently scraped. 

You will be amazed at the change and the fact that overnight you got rid of the chicken thorn that tormented you for days and weeks. I guarantee your readers!”

With garlic

Garlic is among the natural remedies applicable to various ailments. 

If you decide to remove a hen’s thorn with garlic, first use a needle or other sharp object to split open the area until it bleeds. 

It is there – in the living wound – that you put a small amount of crushed garlic. Cover with an adhesive tape and leave on overnight. 

The powerful natural substances in garlic will literally burn the root of the corn and help you get rid of it. 

If necessary, the recipe is performed several evenings in a row.

With chicken gizzards

Among the curious recipes, which we have already shared with you, is the one for the use of chicken gizzards. 

For its application, a millet from a freshly slaughtered chicken or hen is needed. 

A small piece is torn off from the sheath that covers the mill. 

It is placed on the hen’s thorn that first appeared. 

Stick a patch and let it work. The next day, the patch is removed, and with it the hen’s thorn should “come out” along with the root. 

If this does not happen, a repeated compress is made.

That’s why it’s good to keep the millstone shell. 

Although it dries, with a little water it becomes soft again and can be used again.

As soon as you remove the first growth, which is often the largest, the rest will fall off on their own in a short time.

With lard

Folk recipes help with chicken thorn.

Among the popular folk remedies is the one with lard, to which an equal part of salicyl is added. 

The benefits of salicylic acid for the treatment of corns will be discussed in detail further down in the text.

For the execution of this recipe you need pure lard, unsalted. 

After mixing well with the salicylic acid, it is applied thickly to the growth. 

A patch is placed on top. The compress should stay overnight. 

The next and subsequent evenings, the procedure is repeated if necessary.

With tea tree

Due to its powerful antiviral qualities, tea tree essential oil is also used among natural remedies for the treatment of chicken pox. 

Its application is easy – a few drops of it are dropped 2-3 times during the day on the growth. However, it requires patience. 

If the treatment is successful, you will notice how the hen’s thorn will gradually begin to dry up and eventually fall off on its own.

With aspirin

A little more preparation requires the application of aspirin tincture to remove corns. 

If you decide to try, you need 10 aspirin tablets, about 250 ml of 70% alcohol, freshly squeezed lemon juice, baking soda and foot cream.

The aspirin drug itself is prepared by crushing the tablets into powder and mixing them with alcohol. 

It is best to do this in a glass bottle, in which they are left to stand for 2-3 days. The bottle is shaken during use.

Immediately before its application, the feet are soaked in a basin of warm water and rubbed well with the soda. 

They are dried and gauze soaked in the aspirin tincture is attached to the sore spot. Nylon is wrapped around the leg and a sock is put on.

That’s how the night is spent. In the morning, the feet are washed again with warm water and baking soda. 

A pumice stone is also used to remove the softened skin. 

After drying, they are smeared with lemon juice, which must be absorbed before using the foot cream.

After only 10 procedures, the legs will take on a completely different look and there will be no memory of the unpleasant corns.

With oxygenated water

An easy method to remove chicken thorn is to use oxygenated water. 

A small piece of cotton is moistened with it, which remains on the thorn itself until the skin begins to turn white. 

Slight burning or swelling of the treated area may also occur, but these are tolerable and do not require the procedure to be abandoned. 

It is important that the oxygen water is used daily for a period of at least 10 days.

Once you see the skin begin to peel and remove the cotton, it is advisable to treat the area with an antibiotic powder for external use, such as nemibacin.

With formic acid

Since it is most often said to be a burn of a hen’s thorn, formic acid is also applicable to such complaints. 

Before applying it directly to the corn, it is best to soak the affected limb in a basin of warm water to soften the skin. 

It is rubbed and dried. Only a few drops of the formic acid are enough, which are carefully dripped onto the growth itself. 

A patch is stuck on top, with which the night is spent. The procedure is repeated daily until the chicken thorn is completely removed.

With snake milk

Last but not least is the recipe we will offer you with snake milk. 

The herb is known to help unquestionably in the treatment of chicken thorn. 

To do this, it is necessary to simply tear off a leaf from it and carefully squeeze the juice it releases directly on the thorn. 

The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the growth and its root completely dry and fall.

Salicylic acid in hen thistle

Aspirin contains salicylic acid to treat corns!

If you have already gone through unsuccessful attempts to remove the hen’s thorn with the help of the advice of folk medicine, then it is time to delve into the topic. 

No doubt the majority of posts you will come across will contain the combination “salicylic acid”. 

The reason lies in the fact that many of the preparations intended for the removal of unpleasant growths on the skin contain precisely this main ingredient.

Before we get into some of the more popular products, here’s how you can use salicylic acid in a home treatment.

In addition to the recipe with lard, which has already been mentioned, with salicyl powder, you can also sprinkle hen thistle, which has previously been soaked in warm water. 

A piece of tomato is placed on top, with the inner soft part facing the thorn. The recipe is performed consecutively every night for a period of at least 2 weeks, during which time no trace of the thorn should remain.

Another option is to sprinkle salicyl powder (or a crushed aspirin tablet, which contains the same substance) on a potato peel. It is applied directly to the hen’s thorn and attached with a patch. This is how several consecutive nights are spent.

An option for the use of salicyl is also in combination with “Health” cream. Equal parts of the ingredients are mixed and the resulting cream is used to treat the area daily.

The scheme of use itself provides for two applications of 1 drop for a period of 4 days, followed by 4 days of rest. During this time, the growth is monitored and, if necessary, the course is repeated several more times.

Lemon essential oil

The last product we will offer you has a much milder action. It is about essential oil of lemon, the application of which burns the very root of the hen’s thorn to the ground. 

You can try Bioherba’s product if you don’t want to risk with preparations with a more radical effect.

Laser removal of corns

If none of the above-mentioned treatment methods lead to the removal of such an unpleasant corn, laser removal is an absolute option. 

During the procedure itself, a CO2 laser beam is used, through which the skin is treated at a depth of about 5 millimeters. In this way, it directly affects not only the external expression of the entity, but also the root itself.

Laser removal of corns is efficient and painless!

It should be noted that laser removal of corns (which is often used to remove warts) does not cause pain. 

At the express request of the client or in the opinion of the specialist who performs the manipulation, a local anesthetic can be applied.

The duration of the intervention itself depends on the size of the growth to be treated. The duration varies from a few seconds to 5-6 minutes.

If you decide to undergo a laser treatment for corns, choose the months of fall or winter. 

The reason lies in the fact that on cold days, clothes protect the skin from the effects of the sun, wind and other atmospheric conditions.

Chicken thorn on the hand. Hen thorn in the leg

Although we instinctively imagine a corn on the sole, it is possible to notice the unpleasant formation on the fingers as well. 

If you are going to treat such a problem, plasters are the easiest to use, because our fingers are rarely at rest.

On the legs, corns appear not only on the toes, but also on the heel or under the sole itself.


Finally, we will dwell on the most common reasons leading to the appearance of chicken thorn.

If you’ve had one, you’re no doubt aware of the role that mechanical factors play. 

It is about those circumstances that traumatize the skin of the feet, making it prone to the harmful influence of viruses and infections.

Uncomfortable shoes, excessive pressure of one’s own weight, moisture retention are among the reasons that put our feet at risk of corns. Poor personal hygiene can also play a role.

The importance of the human papillomavirus in the development of warts should not be overlooked, as is the painful hen’s thorn.

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