
Exercises for adults who will finally feel good, lose weight, get rid of back pain

By Lilia

Combining work and other responsibilities with regular exercise, buying specialty foods and preparing healthy meals is difficult for ordinary people.

Working in an office can have many advantages, but sitting for a long time endangers health and negatively affects the body. 

Numerous scientific studies show that prolonged immobility and sitting can cause type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and even cancer.

The good news is that there are exercises that can be done in the chair that will make you feel fresh and full of energy, and will also help you reduce belly fat and strengthen your back.

Exercise 1: Knee-to-elbow cross touch from a seated position

This exercise is very good for your waistline. 

It makes the side and lower abdominal muscles work quite hard. 

To perform it, you need to touch the opposite elbow and knee while your upper body twists slightly. 

Your actions are as follows:

Sit in the chair with your back straight without leaning on the backrest! Put your hands behind your back!

Raise your right knee to your chest and at the same time rotate your shoulder girdle, slightly bend your torso and touch your left elbow to the raised knee!

Then return to your starting position! Repeat 15 times!

Switch knees and elbows and repeat 15 more times!

Complete 4 sets of the exercise!

If you experience any difficulty or discomfort, cut the reps and sets in half.

Exercise 2: Lifting the knees with hands on the backs of the chair

This exercise has a huge effect on the abdominal muscles, but not only – here the shoulders and also the back are affected to a large extent. 

To increase the intensity of the exercise, it is good that the chair has armrests and is stable, without wheels. 

The way to perform the exercise is as follows:

Place your palms in the middle of the armrests, stand up and relax on your outstretched arms! 

Bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground!

Use your abs to bring your knees as close to your chest as possible!

Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return your feet to the ground for a short rest!

Repeat 4 times!

I understand that some of you will experience difficulty, but with time and your will, you will achieve the desired results.

Exercise 3: Cross toe touch with opposite hand

This exercise works well for the side of the abdomen and the thighs. 

Way of implementation:

While sitting on the chair, spread your legs shoulder-width apart without lifting them off the ground!

Extend your arms sideways at shoulder level!

Rotate your shoulder girdle to the right, lean forward and touch your left foot with your right hand!

Return to the top position and repeat the same movement, but with the left hand!

Repeat 20-30 times, alternating left and right hand!

Exercise 4: A combination of lifting both knees and side bending the body on the chair

This combination shapes the waist perfectly. 

Way of implementation:

Sit on the edge of the chair with your back straight! Grab the armrests with both hands!

Twist your body sideways so you’re only sitting on one side of your butt!

Keep your legs together, then bring both knees up to your chest!

Return to starting position, then repeat on the other side!

Repeat 10-20 times on each side!

Exercise 5: Raise both knees from a seated position

Here you will gently but effectively work the lower abdomen. 

This is how:

While sitting in the chair, bring your legs together!

Grab the armrests!

Keeping your back straight, lean back slightly and bring your knees up to your chest, tightening your abs!

Lower your feet to about 5 centimeters off the floor and bring your knees up to your chest again!

Repeat 10-20 times without touching the floor!

You may not be able to handle some of the exercises at first, but when you do, it will be a good sign that you are making progress.

Exercise is also excellent for circulation in the body while sitting.

They increase concentration and work capacity.

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