
Prevent hormonal imbalance: 5 herbs that will help restore women’s health

By Lilia

Many women experience excruciating pain during PMS or menopause, suffer from irregular periods, and some even find it difficult to conceive. 

Most often, this is due to a hormonal imbalance. 

Disorders in the endocrine system negatively affect the body as a whole, and also have external manifestations in the form of excess weight or skin rashes.

Of course, it is better to maintain normal hormone levels naturally so that you do not have to take hormonal drugs. 

One of the key factors affecting the functioning of the endocrine system is nutrition.

The stability of a woman’s hormonal background depends a lot on food, therefore it is possible to normalize the disorders that have occurred in this area by making changes to the usual diet, focusing on the right foods. 

Today the editors of “search-2.blogspot.com” will tell you about 5 herbs that will best help solve this problem.


Raspberry leaves

A decoction of raspberry leaves is useful to drink not only for colds, but also for maintaining women’s health. 

It is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C. 

Make teas from the leaves and you will not be afraid of problems related to hormonal imbalance. 

Also, a decoction of raspberry leaves reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, prevents toxicosis, and also relieves pain during childbirth.


Vitex, also known as Abraham’s Tree and Monk’s Pepper is an herb that is often used as a medicine to treat infertility, endometriosis and to prevent miscarriage during the first trimester. 

It helps to normalize the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle. It also relieves menopausal symptoms.

The tree of Abraham  regulates the pituitary gland, which is one of the main glands in the body. 

After all, if its work is disturbed, then all other glands do not receive information about how many hormones should be produced. 

This is where the imbalance and other problems come from.

White Thorn

It is one of the best herbs for cleansing the liver. 

As you know, due to the disruption of the work of this organ, many women experience an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of progesterone. 

Therefore, a clean liver is the key to women’s health.


Maca has been used since ancient times to normalize hormonal balance, increase libido and stamina. 

Maca root supports hormonal balance and saturates cells with antioxidants, and is also rich in minerals. 

That is why it helps to reduce menstrual pains and headaches, minimizes the risk of bleeding, relieves bouts of irritability.

Maca also helps keep sugar and cholesterol levels under control. 

This product is simply universal, because it adapts to each organism and contributes to the normalization, and not to increase or decrease the production of a certain hormone. 

Usually this plant is sold in pharmacies.

Oat flakes

You probably know how good it is to eat oatmeal in the morning. 

But you can’t even imagine what healing power oat decoction has for your health.

Drink a glass of this drink after waking up and you will notice positive changes in your body. 

In women, the work of all glands normalizes, which means that the hormonal imbalance will disappear. 

And this already guarantees a good mood, healthy hair and nails, clean skin and cheerfulness. 

This drink will also not harm men, improving the work of the liver and sexual functions.

Tip from the editors

Watch what you eat. Very often, hormonal imbalance is caused by excessive consumption of fatty fried foods. 

Add these herbs, or at least one of them, to your diet to greatly improve your health.

We wish you good health!

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