
They call it the INVISIBLE exercise: a simple 6-minute workout according to a military doctor to lose weight fast

By Lilia

The gymnastics proposed by Colonel Vorobyov is considered the most “inconspicuous” and effective version of gymnastics.

Based on the portal search-2.blogspot.com today we will show you what are its advantages.

“Invisible” gymnastics became widely known in the eighties of the last century. 

Its promoter is the colonel of the medical service Vasily Ivanovich Vorobyov, author of more than 70 scientific works. 

This set of gymnastic exercises has been awarded twice with a gold medal, and an important feature is that the exercises do not have any medical contraindications.

Gymnastics allows you to relax without leaving your desk. 

It is suitable for people with a sedentary lifestyle, including those who spend most of their time in front of monitors. 

It is a suitable form of physical activity for overweight people, as it does not cause excessive stress on the heart, which is subjected to a constant load under the weight of extra pounds.

Vorobyov’s hidden gymnastics takes only six minutes, but the truth is that in order to achieve an effect, the exercises must be done every hour. 

It’s about 8 exercises that can be done anywhere – while sitting or standing, for example in front of the TV, without much attracting the attention of other people. 

Many practitioners “fall apart” already on the second or third day, as gradually all the muscles begin to ache, just like after hours spent in the gym.

The result of training is visible after a few days.

The eight “invisible” exercises are:

1. Heel Raise. They can be done while sitting or standing in any place. Do 40 pull-ups.

2. Fingers up. The heels are firmly pressed to the floor, only the toes rise – 40 times.

3. Tightening the gluteal muscles – 50 movements. 

Try to tense your muscles with force. 

You can combine it with the simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the perineum – a very useful exercise for muscle elasticity and health of the entire genitourinary system.

4. Tightening of the abdominal muscles. 

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, and as you exhale, pull your stomach in. Repeat 20 times.

5. Bringing the shoulder blades together. 

Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and tensely bring your shoulder blades together. Do it 30 times. 

6. Making a fist with the palms. 

The hands can be in any position convenient for you, straight, bent, in different directions. 

Using significant effort, squeeze and expand your palms into fists. Repeat 50 times.

7. Turning the head to the side. 

At a slow pace, very smoothly, turn your head right and left 90 degrees. Do it 20 times. 

This is the only exercise that can attract the attention of others.

8. Stretching the chin. 

Pull your chin forward in each position. 

This can be done with the mouth open or closed and then the lower lip will go behind the upper lip. 

Make it so that you feel the skin being pulled up to the collarbone area. 

Perfectly helps to get rid of a double chin.

Do it 30 times. 

Advantages of “invisible” exercises:

contribute to the training of all muscle groups;

activate the work of internal organs;

stimulate blood circulation processes;

remove lymphatic stagnation;

accelerate metabolism;

enhance fat burning.

“Hands up!” or about the meaning and effect of raised hands

The gymnastics proposed by Colonel Vorobyov is considered the most inconspicuous and effective version of gymnastics. 

It serves as a prevention of a number of diseases and conditions: 

visual impairment

memory impairment

diseases of the spine 

migraine and weight gain

Like any other weight loss system, Vorobyov’s gymnastics will not work if you do not change your eating habits and lifestyle. 

After three weeks, exercise can become a lifelong habit that promotes harmony, grace, beauty and health.