
The neurologist recommends exercise for memory and prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia

By Lilia

The author of the book “Gymnastics for the brain”, neurologist Paul Dennison says that thanks to simple exercises the brain is saturated with oxygen, creates new nerve connections, stabilizes the work of the left and right hemispheres.

They are an excellent prevention of various neurological problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Just a few minutes a day!

1. Ear-nose exercise

This is a great exercise for coordinating the two hemispheres. 

This exercise may seem simple at first glance.

You just need to touch your nose with your right hand and grab your right ear with your left hand.

Then alternately change the position of the hands: the left on the nose, the right on the left ear.

In fact, it rarely gets it right the first time.

2. Relaxation exercise

A great exercise to relax your neck and shoulder muscles.

Place your hands on the table and slowly pull your chin down until it fully touches your chest.

Stay in this position for a few seconds and then take a deep breath.

Lift your head, stretch your chest and tilt your head back as far as possible.

The hands are still on the table. Relax with an exhalation.

Repeat the exercise several times.

This exercise ensures the flow of oxygen to the muscle cells and activates the vestibular apparatus.

3. Mirror drawing exercise

Such exercises help create new neural connections in the brain and support its sustainable development. 

You need paper and two pencils or markers.

Draw symmetrical shapes with both hands at the same time.

They can be any numbers, symbols, letters, etc.

This exercise synchronizes the work of the cerebral hemispheres and increases brain activity.

Psychotherapists believe that the right and left hands should constantly alternate, even in everyday activities: combing, eating, brushing teeth, etc.

Such exercises help create new neural connections in the brain and support its sustainable development. 

4. Crossing of arms

According to Paul Dennison, this exercise reduces psycho-emotional tension and helps restore mental balance.

Sit in a chair and straighten your back.

Cross your legs:

The ankle of the left foot should be above the ankle of the right foot.

Bring your hands together so that your fingers are intertwined.

Then rotate your arms so that they are in front of your chest.

Press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, look forward and stay in this position for 1 minute.

5. Exercise “Owl”.

When performing this exercise, all three sensory channels are included – visual, kinesthetic and sound, which not only reduce muscle tension, but also stimulate creative thinking. 

Grasp the shoulder of the right hand with your left hand and turn your head from left to right.

Turn your head all the way to the right and exhale.

Inhale, press your fingers together, open your mouth and pronounce the sound of the letter O.

Open your mouth as wide as possible and turn your head to the side several times. Switch hands and repeat.

6. Exercise “priest”

This exercise is recommended to relieve tension and calm the nervous system. 

Connect the tips of the fingers, the hands should be placed in front of the chest.

Keep your head up but look down. Press the tip of your tongue into your teeth. Hold for 2 minutes.

7. Exercise “elephant”

This exercise harmonizes the body and mind. 

Press your head to your left shoulder, extend your left hand with palm forward, and then draw a horizontal figure eight.

You can follow the movement of your fingers with your eyes. Repeat three times, then change the position of the head and switch hands.

This exercise is considered one of the most effective, as during it all parts of the brain are involved.

The mind, like the body, needs exercise and you will only get results with regular exercise. You don’t need any special equipment or space for these exercises.

You can practice them whenever you have a free moment.

They are also recommended for children, especially those who have problems with concentration. It’s worth trying them out.

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