
A natural remedy for the treatment of the thyroid gland – goiter

By Lilia

Natural remedy from pine cones. A recipe of young green pine cones helps with delayed thyroid function. 

Green cones are great for diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive system. 

They can be taken as stroke prevention and to strengthen a weakened immune system.

You can make your own thyroid medicine. You need green pine cones and brandy.

Insufficient thyroid hormone production is called hypothyroidism.

For people suffering from this condition, folk medicine recommends the following simple recipe of only two ingredients.

Ingredients needed:

15 young pine cones

100 ml. home made rakia


In the spring, collect 15 young green pine cones (3-5 cm in size). 

Pine cones are used while they are young, as they lose all medicinal properties as they mature further.

We do not need those who have matured. 

Place the cones in a container of cold water for a short time, then wash them well under running water.

Put the pine cones in the chopper and grind them as fine as possible, add the ground pine cones to a jar

Pour them with 100 ml. homemade brandy or quality vodka, mix well and let them stand in a closed jar for ten days. 

Then, strain the liquid.

When and how much to take of this natural thyroid remedy?

Drink five drops three times a day or half a teaspoon. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.

Store the jar in a dark and cool place.

Pine is one of the most common conifers and all its parts have healing properties. 

Medicinal substances are most effective in the spring.

Pine needles, young tips, young cones, resin and pine bark have a healing effect. 

The needles are used fresh, as drying them loses vitamin C, which this conifer is rich in. 

Few people know that the healing power of needles is up to 80 percent higher if they are cut into smaller pieces.

You can make pinecone jam every year. 

Collect young green cones from a wooded area, pour enough water to cover them and then boil them for 20 minutes in a closed container. 

They stay for 24 hours. You add sugar 1:1 and cook like a regular jam. 

Take one teaspoon of this natural elixir three times a day to strengthen immunity, for colds, flu and respiratory diseases.

Be healthy!

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