
For joint and knee pain sufferers, relief methods

By Lilia

The fastest help for sore knees!

Knee pain is a big obstacle in everyday life.

Because of it, a person cannot indulge in his hobbies, he cannot sleep, and in the morning he is tired and angry at the whole world.

Pain occurs regularly and bothers someone continuously, only its intensity changes.

Regardless of whether the cause is chronic illness, injury or various inflammations and other problems, the result is always the same – excruciating pain.

Therefore, we have collected for you affordable methods with which you will be able to keep the pain at bay!

This ointment can help extremely quickly

In fact, you may experience relief after your first use.

We need:

1 spoon of honey

1 spoon of ordinary mustard

1 spoon of salt

1 spoon of soda


Just mix and apply on the knee.

Wrap in foil and wrap with a towel or scarf.

Go to bed normally and just rinse with lukewarm water in the morning.

This is the perfect thing to do if you’re in pain right now – it can be done as well if you have water in your knee.

If you have very sensitive skin, try it on your wrist first to see if the mixture causes you problems.

Repeat 4-5 days in a row, after which you should get rid of unpleasant pains.

If they call again, repeat this simple procedure. I strongly recommend it.

One more tip

When your wrist hurts, make a salve from regular lard and chili powder. It is excellent for heating, as a compress for the night. 

Ointment with wormwood

Plant it once and it will help you for years: This plant is a miracle for rheumatism, bone spurs and periodontitis, relief will come in just 3 days!

Dig up the root of the black comfrey in October, November, clean it from the dirt and just cut it while it is still fresh and put it in alcohol.

Let stand normally at room temperature for 2 weeks.

Then we use it to rub sore spots.

If you don’t have the opportunity to get wormwood, look in the pharmacy for ointments or tinctures with this herb, it is incredibly strong!

Thanks to this remedy, you can avoid surgery for excruciating wrist pain: 

I recommend this to all people who feel discomfort in this area.

Ointment with aloe

It has been used for rubbing knees and wrists for a long time – people who suffer from rheumatism it really helps. 

Mix 300 ml of pure alcohol with 10 pcs. aspirin and about five leaves of aloe vera, which we cut into pieces.

Leave it in the fridge and after three weeks we can use it for rubbing.

It also helps with tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Horseradish ointment

Grate horseradish on cheesecloth or cloth, apply to specific areas of joints or muscles that cause pain and cover with foil.

This poultice is not only healing but will also help relieve pain.

Horseradish poultice applied to the bronchi helps with inflammation and cough.

Compress with cabbage leaves .

Soak the leaves in warm water for a few minutes, then place them dry between two pieces of foil and roll the surface several times with a roller, or simply tap them with a wooden mallet. 

This will break the veins of the leaves and release the medicinal substances.

Then just put them on your knees, cover it with gauze, bandage it and leave it on overnight (at least 3 hours). It is also excellent for a swollen ankle.

Ointment with CURRY

When you need to warm the joints, use the curry spice, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Mix 2 spoons of the spice and 100-150 ml of olive oil.

Apply the paste to the painful areas and let it work.

When you feel that the pain subsides, you can wash off the paste.

When curry spice is not at hand, cayenne is also excellent.

Blackcurrant poultice

Use a poultice of currant leaves for sore knees.

Boil about 30 leaves of the blackcurrant leaves in 500 ml of water and let them steep for 15 minutes, covered with a lid.

You soak a cloth in the decoction, put the leaves on it, fold it and apply the still hot compress on the knee.

Cover with foil and wrap with a warm towel.

Leave the compress overnight and repeat if necessary.

Horse chestnut ointment

Grate or cut the wild chestnut (15-20 pieces), cover with alcohol and leave for at least 1 month in the refrigerator or in the pantry.

Use it on your wrists, knees, shoulders – anywhere you feel pain.

Compress with cottage cheese

Try this when you find cottage cheese with an expired warranty, better and cheaper.

One onion or 5 cloves of garlic are finely chopped, mixed with a cube of cottage cheese, smeared on the knees, covered with foil and a towel and left for 2-3 hours.

This poultice also works for inflamed bronchi.

Medicinal Rosemary Ointment

We need:

about 250 g of pure fat, petroleum jelly or coconut oil

chopped rosemary (about 2 handfuls),

Clean scalding pan


Heat the lard (vaseline is better in a water bath, ointment or oil can be used directly in the pot), but do not boil.

A finely chopped sprig of rosemary is poured into the dissolved ointment base.

Leave to cool and leave to rest until the next day.

After that, it is heated again and filtered through a clean cloth so that there are no pieces of herbs in the ointment.

We immediately fill the jar where the ointment hardens.

Best stored in the refrigerator. We use it when necessary, but it is good to always have it at hand, you will see for yourself!

Ointment from the cake

All you have to do is pluck those blossoming orange heads and coat them in plain oil. We follow the ratio of 1 part color and 3 parts oil.

Leave it like this for 3 weeks. We use the oil to rub and massage inflamed joints, bones and muscles. 

If you want even faster pain relief, add a potion of flowers to your bath.

Pick the flowers in the evening and let them soak in water overnight. The next day, it is put on the fire, boiled and poured into the bath (it can be strained or added with colors).

Attention: these tips are not a substitute for conventional treatment!

Exercises to strengthen joints and knees

Anyone who has knee problems, arthritis, is recovering from knee injuries, surgery or has an endoprosthesis should do regular exercises developed by rehabilitation doctors and experts to improve their condition.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, strengthen the ligaments and get your knees in much better shape. women will surely be pleased that they can also enjoy beautifully shaped legs.

We do each exercise 10 times for each leg, if you have serious problems or have an endoprosthesis, do the exercises only in a lying position so as not to put too much stress on the joints.

Crouch against the wall

You can do this exercise even while brushing your teeth, during a break at work or before a workout. 

Whenever you do this exercise, your knees will thank you. The position of the legs is very important in this exercise. 

Lean your back against the wall. Start moving down, with your back against the wall, bending your knees until they are at a 90-degree angle. 

Hold the squat for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

Bending the knees – an exercise that is suitable even when you are in bed

We lie on our backs, hands down by the body. Raise your legs so that they form a 90-degree angle with your body. 

Do not bend your knees. Stretch your fingers as high as possible. Bend your knees one at a time and then return your legs to the starting position. Keep your knees together and the front of your thighs tight.

Leg lift

Place a towel under your head. 

Raise the extended leg with toe pointing up about 15 centimeters above the mat. Hold it in this position for at least 10 seconds.

This exercise strengthens the quadriceps muscle, improving the stability of the knee joint.

The letter V

Lie on your side with your elbow bent and placed under your head. 

Raise the outstretched leg from the leg that is on the ground at least 20 cm (or as much as you can). 

Hold for 10 seconds and release.

Pulling together

Lie on the mat, bend one leg at the knee and pull it as close to you as possible. 

Grab your hands around your knee and hold for at least 10 seconds. Release and repeat with the other leg.

Feet together, knees apart

Again we lie on our sides and bring our legs together so that the feet touch. 

Now we try to spread the knees as far as possible, without the knees stopping to touch (they are still connected) again we hold the position for 15 seconds.

Kneel together

You can do this exercise in three variations. Lying down – on your back while lifting your knees and trying to press as close to your chest as possible.

The second option is to do the exercise in a standing position. You alternately try to bring one knee and the other as close to the chest as possible. It is important that the back is always straight.

The third option is a sitting position – for example, in a chair at work.

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