
Dr. Uglov’s 103-year-old diet including yogurt and egg

By Lilia

Who to trust in solving the problem of excess weight, if not an experienced doctor?

The famous Russian surgeon – Professor Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov practically always weighed no more than 65 kg. He lived long and fruitfully for 103 years! 

He was even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest operating surgeon in the world!

In order not to gain weight and maintain good self-esteem, doctor Uglov was helped by an optimistic attitude towards life and compliance with certain rules.

According to Professor Uglov, overweight and lack of moderation in nutrition are the cause of many diseases that could be avoided or cured without resorting to surgery, if patients give up temptations in time.

Excess weight leads to a decrease in immunity and work capacity, changes in blood composition, in particular in cholesterol levels. 

It was especially important for the doctor to maintain a normal weight with advancing age, when metabolism slows down and physical activity decreases.

Professor Uglov managed to stay in very good health until a very old age, thanks to the strict observance of rules personally introduced by him:

– high physical and mental activity

– tempering (sprinkling with cold water)

– full sleep, no less than 7-8 hours a day

– complete refusal of cigarettes and alcohol

– restriction of nutrition

The doctor recommended a varied but moderate diet. 

As the most nutritious and useful products, he recommended: eggs, lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables. 

He advised that sour-milk foods should be included in the daily menu, and that fluid intake should not be restricted. 

And white bread, for example, he advised us to stop completely. 

According to him, it is good to consume only black bread and in minimal quantities – no more than 150 grams per day. 

He also recommended giving up salty and pickled products. 

According to Professor Uglov, it is necessary to eat often – less than 4 times a day and necessarily with small portions.

Uglov encountered the problem of excess weight in his practice many times and believed that excess weight was the cause of lowered immunity as well as degenerative changes in the joints.

In order to get rid of excess weight, Fyodor Grigorievich recommended once a year to observe a diet, which he called “Eastern”. 

According to the doctor, this diet allows us to get rid of at least 3-5 kilograms, and also perfectly cleanses the body. 

Doctor Uglov’s diet can be referred to the “sparing” section – it is well balanced, easy to tolerate and does not require constant calorie counting. 

The doctor recommended eating at a certain time. That is why the professor has developed a nutritional program that has helped many people cope with obesity.

Professor Uglov’s diet

9:00 a.m.: Have a cup of organic coffee. You can also drink green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

11:00 a.m.: You need to eat one boiled egg and 8 prunes.

2:00 p.m.: 200 g of boiled beef or 1 chicken breast without skin and fat. 

As a side dish, prepare 100 grams of cabbage and carrot salad. 

You can also eat an orange in the afternoon.

5:00 p.m.: You need to eat 30 grams of cheese and 1 apple or orange.

20:00 hours: you need to eat 250 ml. yogurt, kefir, or organic low-fat yogurt.

In addition to this mode, other rules can help you:

Get up from the table when you feel you’ve had enough. 

If you feel like you can’t take another bite, you’ve overeaten and this will definitely affect your weight and self-esteem.

After eating, do not lie down or rest, but start doing something. 

The last meal of the day should be a few hours before sleep – no later than 8:00 p.m. in the evening. 

In addition, dinner should be light – give up a large dinner and drink only a glass of ayran

Even if you are not a Christian – do not neglect church fasting. 

Professor Uglov respected the wisdom of the ancestors and believed that observing fasts brings only benefit. 

From time to time, stop the products of animal origin, reduce the volume of food and you will not only get rid of a few kilograms, but also feel significantly better

Try to increase the flow of energy – move as much as possible, take long walks, exercise if your work is not related to physical activity.

The doctor believed that food with artificial additives definitely caused serious damage to the body. 

The simpler and more natural the food, the better the chances of staying healthy and living a long life.

Uglov does not mention any contraindications of his diet. 

Before switching to the regimen or resorting to any dietary restrictions, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have chronic kidney disease or digestive problems.

Such a ten-day course will help to get rid of 3 to 5 kg of excess weight.

But be careful – we want you to know that you cannot do Professor Uglov’s diet more than once every two months (once a year is recommended).

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