
Method 4-7-8: How to Train Your Brain to Sleep in 60 Seconds

By Lilia

This incredibly simple trick will have you falling asleep in less than a minute. 

You will forget about insomnia

Almost every day we are tired, we dream of a warm bed, rest and peace. 

We dream of falling into a blissful sleep.

And when the evening comes and we go to a well-deserved rest, in the end it turns out that we cannot fall asleep. 

We toss and turn, thoughts racing through our heads, hours passing and sleep not coming.

Stress, chronic fatigue, problems do not contribute to falling asleep. 

Insomnia is a terrible disease, and only those who know it know what an unpleasant torture it is when you feel terribly tired and cannot sleep.

But there is a way around it. 

Today, from the portal search-2.blogspot.com, we will present you a tried and tested method that has helped many times.

The method is called 4-7-8.

Begin in a comfortable lying position. Breathe slowly and calmly.

The number 4 refers to the time measured in seconds, this is how long it should take to inhale.

Then we do not exhale the air immediately, but hold it in the lungs for 7 seconds.

Finally we exhale very slowly through the mouth, it should take up to 8 seconds.

Sounds simple, almost trite, doesn’t it? But it gives amazing results. 

The body calms down almost instantly, the nerves relax, the muscles relax. 

We are overwhelmed by a blissful peace that relaxes us and restores us to sleep.

This breathing exercise is designed so that slow breathing affects the nervous system and slows the heart rate. 

Because anxiety increases your heart rate, increases circulation, and keeps you awake.

Doctors recommending this method advise its use in various states of tension. 

If we want to fall asleep, we have to repeat it several times, but when we are not lying down, during the day, 1-3 repetitions are enough to relax and reduce tension in difficult stressful situations.

The method has been known for centuries in different cultures. 

Researchers have found its use by tribal peoples on all continents. 

Utilizing the rich resources of ancient knowledge can bring relief to troubled senses in modern times as well.

In some cases, insomnia is more severe and requires medical intervention. 

Other conditions that can contribute to a significant lack of sleep include:

• hormonal changes caused by menopause

• medicines

• disorders of the use of various  medicinal preparations

• mental health disorders such as depression

• apnea

• pregnancy

• restless leg syndrome

• autoimmune diseases

If you experience frequent chronic insomnia, see your doctor. 

He can refer you to a specialist who will conduct a sleep study to diagnose the cause of your insomnia.

Many people struggle with the problem of insomnia. Maybe your friend is among them and you can help him sleep.

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