
When you feel dizzy, do this move right away!

By Lilia

Whether vertigo is occasional or rather chronic, it should not be taken lightly and should never be ignored, especially when it is accompanied by frequent migraines.

So let your doctor know because sometimes it can be caused by something more serious than you think. 

Also, vertigo can happen at any time, even when you’re driving, and it’s not the best time to be so dizzy that everything is spinning around you! 

We know how scary it can be to lose control for a few moments, but luckily there is a treatment and you can rely on this small but valuable advice shared by the famous otolaryngologist Carol Foster (a specialist in the examination of the ear, nose and larynx). 

This is a very simple twisting exercise that you can do yourself at home and available to anyone to calm dizziness in a few seconds as soon as it starts to feel.

How to perform the anti-vertigo exercise?

1) The first step is to sit on the floor, resting your buttocks on your heels.

2) You should then tilt your head back so you can look at the ceiling or the sky. 

It is possible that your vertigo will suddenly be stronger: this is completely normal!

3) Still in the same seated position, place your hands on the floor in front of you and tilt your head forward, tucking your chin in slightly.

4) The last step is to turn your gaze to the right or left elbow. 

The direction just depends on the ear you want to treat. 

To find out which ear to treat, simply turn to the right or left when lying down and find out which side your vertigo symptoms seem more unbearable.

5) Wait a few seconds for it to clear. 

Then quickly straighten your head and back so that they are level with your head turned. Wait a few more seconds until it stops spinning around you.

6) Repeat the exercise if necessary at 15 minute intervals. 

In this way, you will remove the particles that have accumulated in the ear and that are the cause of your discomfort.

It is! 

Dizziness should subside quickly thanks to this very simple exercise. 

It is radical and very effective against the vertigo that poisons your daily life.

All movements should be followed relatively quickly. 

A position should not last more than a few seconds.