
Quick Thyroid Thermometer Test

By Lilia

Few people know this, but 50 years ago, Brody scientist Otto Burns discovered that body temperature is a great indicator of how your thyroid is working, writes The Big Riddle.

There is only one nuance: body temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, still in bed.

Barnes noted that an abnormal temperature in the morning is the first sign of an inflammatory process in the thyroid gland. 

And now everyone knows that if this organ of our body does not work properly, problems cannot be avoided!

All you need is a thermometer. Here’s what to do:

It is better to prepare it in advance, before going to bed. 

The mercury on it must harden at a measure not higher than 35 degrees.

As soon as you wake up, immediately place the thermometer under your arm. Let it stay there longer than usual – 10 minutes.

Record the result. 

Remember that it is properly called “morning basal temperature”. Its normal range is 36.5 C° to 36.8 C°.

Here’s how to interpret the results:

If your temperature is 36.5 C° to 36.8 C°, then everything is fine with the thyroid gland.

If your morning temperature is below 36.5°C, then you have hypothyroidism. 

This means that the thyroid gland is not as active as it should be. 

This is probably why you experience symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression and often suffer from colds and problems with memory and concentration. 

In the most advanced cases, hair loss can be observed.

If the morning basal temperature is above 36.8 ° C, then you have hyperthyroidism.

This is when the thyroid gland is overactive. 

Most likely, there is a strong inflammatory process in the body. That is, you are sick and you are not being treated!

Remember that for the “purity” of the results, you must repeat the procedure at least three times in a row on three different days.

If during all this time the result, which does not fall under the “norm”, will be repeated, you should go to an endocrinologist and find out the causes of your problems.

And more. If the deviation is small and you do not have the strength to go to the doctor, try to solve the problem yourself.

The main thing in this case – the right diet. 

There should be enough selenium, vitamin A, magnesium and vitamin B. 

All these minerals are extremely important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

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