
Homemade mosquito trap, the only natural remedy that eliminates them all

By Lesia

The summer season is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of the year, given that during these months we can  take advantage of the beautiful sunny and warm days  to treat ourselves to a vacation that regenerates the body and mind. Many enjoy spending summer days at the beach, perhaps enjoying cold drinks, while others prefer to walk in the mountains and enjoy the lower temperatures. However, during the summer period you also have to deal  with some major inconveniences  typical of this season. First of all, there is certainly the return of insects,  especially mosquitoes  , which easily enter the house and bite everyone who lives there.

The mosquito trap is very effective: you will never have to deal with it again

The presence of mosquitoes is unbearable especially at night, because  the buzzing and nipping of these insects  can easily wake us up or prevent us from resting.


Fortunately, there are  very effective remedies  that allow you to eliminate mosquitoes and rest without having to worry about being bitten.

This is a  very effective mosquito trap  that can be easily made by anyone, even at home. The advice is to always focus on these natural remedies, thus avoiding chemical and invasive solutions.

The trap in question is truly one of the best remedies there is. The solution, in fact, is characterized by the  fermentation gases of sugar and yeast  which manage to attract mosquitoes into the trap. Once inside the bottle, mosquitoes will fall into the syrup and will no longer be able to escape.

What do you need to make this simple remedy? First of all, we need to make sure we have 200 ml of water,  50 grams of cane sugar  and one gram of brewer’s yeast. We then need an empty 2 liter Coca-Cola bottle.

We take a knife or scissors to cut the bottle in half, cutting just above the middle to make room for the liquid. The next step is  to boil 200 ml of water in a saucepan  , then add 50 grams of brown sugar to the saucepan.

Boiling water

When the sugar is completely dissolved in the water,  remove the pan from the heat and allow  the resulting mixture (i.e. the syrup) to cool below 30°C.

To make the solution cool faster, you can also put it in the refrigerator. Once this is done, pour the syrup into the lower part of the bottle,  adding one gram of brewer’s yeast to the solution  (no need to mix).

The final step is to take the top of the bottle (with the neck facing down) and insert it into the bottom,  using tape  to secure the two halves.

The effectiveness of the mosquito trap is guaranteed: try it to believe it

The homemade mosquito trap is now ready for use. So that the trap attracts as many mosquitoes as possible, it is advisable to place it  in the room where the presence of these annoying insects is greatest  .

beer yeast

For even more efficiency, several bottles can be scattered in different rooms of the house, so as to avoid all possible pinching. The syrup should be changed  approximately every two weeks  or in any case when you notice that there are no more bubbles.

This aspect in fact indicates that there is no longer fermentation: consequently, carbon dioxide is no longer released and no longer attracts mosquitoes.

In fact, mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we release when we breathe.  This natural mosquito trap generates carbon dioxide  , thanks to the fermentation of syrup and brewer’s yeast.

The remedy, as mentioned, therefore uses the fermentation gases to attract mosquitoes into the bottle. Mosquitoes enter the trap through the neck of the bottle, but once inside they cannot find a way out and are therefore doomed.